Friday, February 29, 2008
Iraq News 1 Mar
The Bad: Chaldean Archbishop Rahho has been kidnapped by a group of thugs in Mosul after his bodyguards were killed. Christians have been the target of significant extremist violence as Sunni terrorists and Shi'ite militias alike see them as sharing the religion of the crusader.
The Ugly: The symbol of gross misappropriation of taxpayer dollars and Bush administration hubris, the US embassy, is being investigated by Rep. Waxman. Also, there are allegations that the monstrosity is more prone to catch fire than Richard Pryor freebasing coke.
Aging Hippie Douche of the Weekend Pic

Which Diva Wore It Better?
Erykah Badu and Jada Pinkett-Smith
They both rock'd these fabulous YSL Tribute Leopard Peep-Toe Pumps. Jada wins because you have to wear these funky pumps with something simple because they are the showcase. Erykah Badu has too much going on.

I hated this hideous solid gold dress by Emanuel Ungaro when Mary first wore it and I certainly don't care for it on Vivica so no one wins!
This Gucci dress looks too much like a girls scout outfit but Rihanna looks chic in hers so she wins.
Jessica Alba and Naomi Campbell
The Dolce and Gabbana t-shirt is both fun and cute but Naomi wins with her seven jeans and white fitted blazer.
Rihanna In Paris
Who says a War Zone can't be mildly entertaining

Iraq News 29 Feb
The Bad: On a selfish note, as Jason mentioned on his most excellent blog, today is the 29th of Feb in a leap year, which means one extra day of deployment in Iraq for me and everyone else. You win this one, US military, but I'll get you back, I won't forget this!
The Ugly: While Afghanistan and Iraq are usually in the limelight, let's not forget about our other strategic defense interests in the rest of the world. Admiral Keating discusses the resource drain at PACOM.
No one will be shedding tears for this guy
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fabulous Bathrooms
Celebrities At Paris Fashion Week

She attended the Swaroski party in Paris. The poor girl doesn't get any rest and it shows on this pic, she looks tired!

Kanye, Alexis and Roberto Cavalli at Cavalli's Paris store opening. They were all over Paris for fashion week and they look fabulous! Alexis is finally growing on me.
Vivica Fox and Roberto Cavalli
Vivica is looking more modern everyday or is it just because she is in Paris?
I love her avant -garde jacket; it's perfect for Paris!

Lucy Liu
She looks chic. She attended the Dior show.
Monica Cruz (Penelope Cruz's sister)
She looks better than Penelope!
Muddled over Ahmadinejad
Not Quite as excited as Jesse Spano when she took those pep pills
Bush Sends a Zinger at the Senate
“Congressional leaders are still sounding the same old call for withdrawal. I guess you could say that when it comes to pushing for withdrawal, their strategy is to stay the course.”
The situation in Iraq changes rapidly. Last week it was whether or not Sadr would unleash the wrath of the Mahdi Army (he didn't). Then it was whether or not Turkey was going to invade northern Iraq (they did). Who knows what'll happen next week. Maybe Ahmadinejad will start break dancing at President Talabani's residence when he visits Baghdad. The fact of the matter is that the US leadership needs to stop being so damn intellectually lazy and start figuring out what's going on over here. Only then will we be able to begin the process of getting out of this place leaving behind a stable country. The bipartisan schism on Iraq of we need to withdraw now or we need to have permanent bases doesn't provide a solution to the mission at hand.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Iraq News 28 Feb
The Bad: WaPo is running a front page article slamming the US alliance with the Sons of Iraq (just in time for that debate about Iraq in the Senate, not coincidentally). It's not enough that American media are out to get these guys, but the Iranians are apparently conspiring to target the mostly Sunni-group of Al-Qaeda killers too. I anxiously await Mr. IraqPundit's response to this. Update on the fiasco with Turkey here, and the entire operation may be a clever ruse to divert the Turkish public's attention from...headscarves?
The Ugly: Gross incompetence is apparently the standard when providing Marines on the front lines with the gear they need. The Pentagon is establishing a probe into why it took 18 months to get them lasers that are utilized at checkpoints. This culture of draggin' ass is a complete embarrassment in a time of war.
Stephens Burrow Spring/Fall 2008

The Sons of Iraq and Other Random Oddities
In a corner of his barber shop Ahmed trims the moustache of a customer covered in a white cloth, as nearby broken window panes stand proof of a battered city in the dark of the night. "Thanks to the young men who are guarding the streets, I am no longer afraid to keep my shop open late into the night."
Small victories are important in some ways.
Random De-Motivators: A couple things that don't make me happy are the American economy getting its ass whooped by the Euro and Fox News (except for Red Eye):

I have nothing bad to say about Alex P. Keaton, but there has to be something more important to a national news network. I'm no snob, but man, this is torturous.
The Life I Should've Lived: There's pictures of some gutter punks, in what looks like Portland, from Social Daily News (thanks Moonbattery) .

Sure these poorly-fed, possibly-diseased, yet very attractive young ladies may not be appetizing to some. But looking around at my current lifestyle, I'm certainly not above it. At least there would be an element of freedom to it, and I find the homeless/grunge look common amongst Northwestern gals very seductive for some reason. Maybe I've just been in the Navy too long.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Iraq News (27 Feb)
The Bad: Violence in northern Iraq as a suicide bomber kills 8 by detonating his suicide vest on a bus near Tal Afar. Tal Afar is west of Mosul in Ninawa province, which is the only province that has not seen a decline in violence similar to the other 17 provinces after the Surge was implemented. One of the British contractors that was kidnapped last May at the Ministry of Finance in Baghdad by a group of thugs has gotten air time on Al-Arabiya. Note to Al-Arabiya, you're not helping with the release of the hostages and only making things worse.
The Ugly: The Iraqi government in Baghdad tells Turkish forces to get the hell out of our country as diplomatic uneasiness progresses concurrent with this questionable operation against the PKK. Also, Clinton-era Secretary of State Madeline Albright says the reputation of the US sucks on international TV.
Midweek Eye Candy Morris Chestnut

Morris Chestnut was born in Cerritos , California on January 1st 1969. Having given up his dream of becoming a professional football player, he gained recognition debuting in "Boyz 'N The Hood" and of course by favorite movie of all time "The Best Man". Besides Denzel Washington, he has been the hottie since 1991. Morris gorgeous chocolate skin and his sincerity makes him even more irresistible.