Saturday, February 2, 2008

TSA addresses my gripe!

Thanks to Jason for going through the 400+ comments this TSA blog has gotten soliciting complaints and suggestions from passengers. My gripe is here, and someone from the TSA responded by the handle of "tsa tos ny":

LT Nixon,
As a TSA Screening Manager I would 1st like to apologize for the fact that we have to screen you at all and would just like to say that the screening force more than respects the active duty military personel.

We see you go off to a war no one wanted and we sometimes see the terrible aftermath when you return. You have our utmost respect and I personally want to thank you for your sacrifices. Many of our screening force are retired or reserve military.

Unfortunately, the TSA "powers that be" don't see things the same way we floor level employees do. They quote such names as Timothy McVeigh and other "Domestic Terrorists". I just want you to know that there is a blog site type of idea board for TSA personel only and there is MASSIVELY OVERWHELMING criticism of the very policy you are talking about. We (the actual people that work at the checkpoints - not the policy makers) feel that military personel in uniform, traveling on orders should be exempt from screening or at the very least exempt from the liquids/shoes and other more intrusive rules. We are fighting to get those rules changed for military personel.

At many of the airports I've worked at, I usually see TSOs or Supervisors escort military personel to the front of the line and try to be as accomodating as possible within the guidelines of our SOP. We feel that it's the least we can do.

Just wanted you to know that and thank you again for your service.

Kudos to you "tsa tos ny"! I assure you that LT Nixon's no terrorist despite favoring smaller government, being white, male, and also having represented our country in uniform like Timothy McVeigh. Thanks for trying to nix the "politically correct" process of searching grandmothers, nuns, and service members in uniform. We appreciate your dedication to making airport screening more efficient. You are a friend to the military!

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