The Bad: Three soldiers were killed in a rocket attack down south. A young Iraqi girl was killed on accident by US forces during an escalation of force incident. Also, the fingers of a group of contractors that were kidnapped in late 2006 have been obtained by US authorities. Hopefully, they can be found in the near future...
The Ugly: The Pentagon Study on the Al-Qaeda links to Saddam that didn't exist aren't going to be released on the internet, but a CD can be mailed to the press?!? I don't understand why unclassified info would be released to the elite in the press, but not those unwashed, boorish blogger types. Also, apparently Americans don't know shit about Iraq, since they can't even cite a ballpark figure of how many military deaths have happened in Iraq. C'mon people, it's the most well-documented statistic out of Iraq. Is American Idol really that important?

Fallujah 5K: As a smoker...not my idear of fun, but good for them!
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