So it's December 28th, and from a Yankee fans perspective...WTF? All my life, I loved the winter. For one, if the Yankees were to lose in the playoffs, it was great to watch them work, spend a few bucks on big name free agents, and make some trades to get the team better for the following season. But, if the Yankees won the playoffs, and the World Series, it was great to pick up a few guys and sit back and watch World Series highlights until pitchers and catchers. Well, This year's winter stinks, plain and simple. I am in shock over the last few days. I guess I'm just a fool. I really thought for sure the Yankees were going to make a move in the final days of December and bring a name to the Yankees. But no. Nothing. I just read on River Ave Blues that "Randy Levine came out and backed the team’s patient approach this offseason." Levine says Cash is doing the right thing. How so Levine? Are you saving money? Are you turning into the Pittsburgh Pirates as Confessions of a She-Fan's Jane Heller stated brilliantly a week ago? What the hell is wrong with you people? In the end, I guess considering the Yankees blew it with Cliff Lee and letting the other free agents get signed, he can't say anything else. Oh well.So yeah, like I've been saying, there is nothing new on the Yankees front, and I wasn't even gonig to post tonight, but I feel the need to reach out. All I see is just a daily list of names that the Yankees have "on the radar" just to be snatched up by other teams the next day. Look at Brandon Webb and the Texas Rangers, right? Webb was a great choice for a 4 or 5 starter for the Yankees as I stated in
WHY I LIKE LEFTOVERS , but they didn't pull the trigger fast enough and yes, Brandon Webb moved on.

Look at Andy Pettitte. Man, what the hell? I say for sure, this guy's done. Pettitte says he's still "thinking about it" but I don't feel good about him returning. Right now he's vacationing with his family in Hawaii. This means he's having too much fun with family, OR he's having one last family party before he announces he's coming back. No one knows...only Andy. I say,
IT'S OVER. Sad. Very Sad. Even today it was reported that Mark Teixeira said that, through his communication with Andy, he has a sense that Andy's probably going to retire. Trust me Yankee Fans, these rumors that are leaking out is to let us down easy for when it DOES happen. So it's not a shock to anyone. Either way, it's depressing to see Andy go.
Now I'm seeing a lot of talk about the Phillies making available Joe Blanton. Oh Goodie. Well look, to put it simply, if we don't have Andy, a Joe Blanton looks real good. But it's a trade situation, not a free agent, so it would mean we'd need to move some people. Would it be farm hands? Would it be someone like Brett Gardner? My question is this... Should I be picky like Cashman and not pull the trigger on this guy if I'm the GM? Or, do I do it to fill the void in the rotation? Hard to say. I

say, I want a body there with expereince. I say, I go for it. Overall, it's not a bad choice if the Yankees don't give away quality farm hands. Besides, the Yanks have a 4 and 5 rotation consisting of Mitre and Ivan Nova. Look, if the Yanks pick up a starter with a few years behind him and he's made quaility starts, I give someone like Nova a shot in the number 5 hole, and that veteran in the 4 hole, and of course, if Andy decides to come back, then all this talk of Joe Blanton, Freddy Garcia and Jeff Francis dies down. The whole thing hinges on Andy now, does it not? The reality is, the rotation is key to championships, and my suggestion would be that everyone who prays should at this moment, get down on a knee and pray to the Yankee Gods, or the late George Steinbrenner, that Andy Pettitte comes back to the Bronx for one last time. That would make for a Happy New Year for sure.
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