BYB Headquarters is up and running and it's amazing what technology can do for business these days. While I wasn't able to do much, I was able to communicate on Twitter when needed and at least I was able to let you guys know I'd be out of pocket for a bit. You guys are like my second family after all. Several hours later, it's safe to say that all is well at BYB. The kids are accounted for and flooding in my basement is the least of my worries right now. The big thing here is we're still able to crank out posts for you guys, and if you have power, hopefully you can read us. Maybe it will take your mind off of thing. Yes, it's true, the whole time I was holding down the Fort with my wife, I thought
"What would Andy Pettitte do?"
Pathetic? Yes, but when your team is up against the ropes, my team being my family, I knew I had to turn it around kind of like
Andy Pettitte every time the Yankees were down 2-0 in a playoff or any time he lifted the team after a tough loss the night before. Yes, I sound dramatic, don't I? Well, you don't really want to hear about me, you want to hear about the Yankees on this blog, so I'm doing my best. Humor me.
Down in the dumps and worried trees would crash though my windows and I'd wake up with my house on the Yellow brick road, I thought about Andy Pettitte. I need to stay calm, get the kids in a safe environment and make sure I knew where the radio and flashlight was.

My wife and I went to bed and at 2am it felt like the roof was about to fly off. Did you guys hear the wind last night? Did I panic? No, actually alittle. But, I knew I had a job to do... like Andy Pettitte did so many times before. I circled the wagons once again, made sure all was well in the house and laid back down with my flashlight on my chest.

All I needed was a Cowboy hat to rest over my eyes and I would have felt like the ultimate bad ass. Bottom line, Dads and moms do what they need to do to keep things safe. We did that last night.
Today, we won. Andy Pettitte would have won and it's that drive and confidence that he's had all those years that really impressed me and translated to us. To be truthful, it's the adrenaline that keeps you going. I can remember the stare and the performances Pettitte gave us and it holds true, he would grind it out and he would win and keep his Yankee family safe... with a win.

Now that it appears Hurricane Irene is leaving New York, let's not bitch and moan about all she tried to do. Let's be the better team. Let's wave goodbye, say nice try and then let's move on, like champions. Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a nasty hurricane, but it wasn't going to beat us... after all, we knew we could beat it.
I hope everyone was able to stay safe... now let's play ball.
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.
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