I did the photoshopping myself!
- Reasons for CPAC-Iraq: With a country seemingly losing interest in the long war to focus on more important issues like changing the constitution to define "marriage", Hillary Clinton's latest fundraising hoopla, and government handouts so people can go shopping at Walmart, I felt a strong desire to educate the youth of our country. Looking at the student agenda for that other CPAC wasn't helping quell my dispositions that our nation's youth were in trouble. I first became concerned with my generation while viewing Max Blumenthal's video "Generation Chickenhawk", which highlighted that youngsters thought they could stand by on the sidelines and watch worldwide terrorism go unchecked. Youngsters need to learn that slapping a ribbon on their car isn't helping any. Even though the young lass at ~1:05 in the video is a total babe, I assure you, General Order #1 ensures those in uniform have the highest moral standards and this is not a big scam to meet chicks. I'll also make sure the finest refreshments trucked in from Kuwait are provided.

- Gettin' Smart: Now I understand your "commie" professors don't like to talk about the war on terrorism, some of them probably say it's all a big Bush/Cheney conspiracy, so I'll help you get educated on that subject so you can fight back. Iraq is chocked full of terrorists such as Al-Masri, ringleader of Al-Qaeda Iraq, who likes to use kids even younger than you as suicide bombers. There's also these guys called Special Groups who are into some nasty things that are like "way uncool!". Plus, as an added bonus, I'll walk you around the Green Zone and you can see all the ridiculous crap Saddam built himself while his people languished in poverty. Now, I've got to work during that weekend, but I'll have a 103-page Powerpoint slide for you (in true staff weenie fashion) to show off in the evening. To keep y'all occupied during the daytime, I have a most excellent bootleg DVD collection in my hooch.
- Better Public Speaking: When you use words like "Islamofascist" or "Culture War" you might send some of the more moderate members in our alliance against extremists running to the hills! Hell, even David Horowitz, one of the keynote speakers at the other CPAC, called presidential candidate Ron Paul an Islamofascist, what's that supposed to mean? Take it from a Marine, Major General Gaskin, who's wrapping up a very successful tour in Anbar Province: "They respect and trust us, and we respect and trust them."
- No Ethical Conundrums like CPAC 2007: Now, I heard about all the lies the leftistas were trying to spread last year about the Marine, Matt Sanchez, being a former gay-porn star by the swingin' handle of Rod Majors. He was embellished with praise at CPAC '07, even though respected neo-con, Ann Coulter, used the word "faggoty" during a speech. Not to worry! LT Nixon's no homophobe, and everyone's sexual orientation is really none of my business. I even respect Matt Sanchez as a milblogger and understand sometimes you gotta make ends meet.
So all you folks partying it up out in college, take off those togas and strap on your body armor w/kevlar and fly on out to Baghdad. This will be the sweetest CPAC yet!
Disclaimer: Once in a while people in the military like jokin' around, if you think this is for real, you truly have no soul.
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