Heading into the holiday weekend, Obama and his advisers repudiated that pledge, saying he is reevaluating his plan and will incorporate advice from commanders on the ground when he visits Iraq later this month. A top Obama adviser said he is not “wedded” to a specific timeline, and Obama said Thursday he plans to “refine” his plan. “I am going to do a thorough assessment when I'm there," he told reporters in Fargo, N.D., according to CBS News. "When I go to Iraq and I have a chance to talk to some of the commanders on the ground, I'm sure I'll have more information and will continue to refine my policies."
Gateway Pundit and Hot Air have already accused the Senator of flopping like the opening weekend of a Martin Lawrence movie, but it is important that the future commander-in-chief has an open mind about this, instead of clinging to facts from 2006 that don't really apply anymore.

- Accountability and Justice Law (De-Ba'athification Reform) Passed
- Amnesty Law for Detainees Passed
- Diplomatic relations with Turkey to help combat PKK terrorists in northern Iraq
- Iraqi-led oeprations combatting extremists/terrorists in Mosul, Maysan province, Sadr City, and Basra
- Huge increase in oil exports as pipeline to Ceyhan, Turkey reopened
- Improvement in quality and quantity of Iraqi Security Forces
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