At first the whole Tea Party phenomenon sounded a little dull. I mean, how do you compete in the laughs department with
unhinged hippies protesting in trees like a bunch of Ewoks in Phish shirts? But the
Media Matters Alinskyites have dispatched their army of flying monkeys to discredit the protests as mobs of Timothy Mcveighs.
Huffington Post is gearing up their "investigative journalism" division to find the lone nut comparing Obama to Satan. And the ever on-point
Andrew Sullivan had this to say:
These are not tea-parties. They are tea-tantrums. And the adolescent, unserious hysteria is a function not of a movement regrouping and refinding itself. It's a function of a movement's intellectual collapse and a party's fast-accelerating nervous breakdown.
With this much hand-wringing, something interesting is bound to happen. At the very least, I'll get to observe some skinny-jeaned hipsters mounting a counter-protest.
Gay Patriot has a simple message as to the point of this whole thing:
In constrast to the Obama campaign, the “tea party” phenomenon is based on an idea, that of small government and personal freedom. As such, it could have greater staying power.
A more detailed explanation of the purpose can be found
here. Schedules for your state are up
here. Will post pics of wherever one I end up going...which is a function of who lets me crash on their couch that night.
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