Word is Joe Torre has been invited to this year's Old Timer's Day and no one is more thrilled than me. Read the full story
I remember the day Joe Torre signed on as manager of the Yankees. "
Clueless Joe" was the headline I remember most because everyone just assumed based on his
horrendous managerial record, he'd just blow it in New York and would be George's whipping boy until May when he suddenly got antsy and fired poor Joe. I kept my feelings to myself because at the time, Showalter was loved but there was something missing after 1995 and a shake up was needed. No one could have predicted such a great managerial run for Torre. Having Zimmer at his side it was clearly a meeting of the minds every game and I appreciated that.

I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Torre 3 times in my life. The first time he showed me his 1996 championship ring. I don't remember the conversation because I felt like I was going to faint. The second time we spoke briefly and he laughed at one of my wise cracks. The third time he remembered meeting me at the place we met the second time and for me, that was enough, he had me at hello. It's not all glamor and fame with Joe Torre. He takes the time and I was impressed with his memory considering he meets tons of people all day long.

I never liked the way the Yankees dealt with Torre after 2007, I felt it cold like February and I know he was pissed. But I also knew that he wouldn't be allowed to stay away long because he's meant so much to the Yankees since 1996 and the fans know that. I hope to be as close as I can to the field that day to salute one of my heroes of the game of baseball. Yes, that's right, I said hero. Why? Here's why. Joe Torre took all the negativity thrown at him, and won 4 championships and went to the playoffs every year he was manager of the New York Yankees. He basically told everyone to "
Shove it." He believed in himself. Clearly he was on a mission to prove himself. Clearly he did and I respect this man tremendously.
Thank you Mr. Torre for the best Yankee years of my life. Welcome home old friend.
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