This is sort of interesting. The
DoD has released information on various chemical and biological tests conducted on military personnel from the 40s up until the 70s. The website is a treasure trove of information, and it even discusses LSD being given to soldiers to monitor mental and physical reactions. From
Chemical-Biological Warfare Exposures:
Additional testing of LSD occurred at Fort McClellan (1959-1960) and Dugway Proving Ground (1959). The personnel tested at Fort McClellan were volunteers from the Chemical School. After exposure to LSD, these volunteers performed various military and non-military tasks. Little information relating to LSD testing at Dugway Proving Ground is available today. The test apparently involved four officers who were administered LSD and then required to teach a class.
These officers were supposedly volunteers, and "they" supposedly don't do these tests anymore. But I knew something was up when I was screaming about the pink alien invasion buck naked in the bilge a few years ago. Unfortunately, the website doesn't get into the
Frank Olson story, who jumped out of a window after being heavily dosed with LSD during the CIA's
MKULTRA experiments, but it is still pretty damn interesting.
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