With regards to Iran in a
state of revolution, North Korea
threatening to nuke Waikiki, and
US Forces pulling out of Iraq's cities, Obama has been more quiet than
Chief in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But it's good to see our President not afraid to take a ding in his approval numbers and focus on the risque, political issue that's confronting this nation:
being a dad. From
In an unusual devotion of time for the president, Barack Obama is blocking out nearly an entire afternoon to promote the importance of being a good dad as a national priority...
...The day's events were intended to kick off a White House effort on fatherhood and mentoring. The White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships will host forums around the country this summer and fall to gather ideas on good programs and to help promote them.
I never knew that having a good dad was important until the President told me! Yes, we can. In the future, the White House will devote an entire day to letting Americans know "
Why you have to clean up your dog's poop" followed by "
Why it's important to turn off your cell phone in the movie theater" and other issues of vital importance to national security.
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