Badamchi's site, called Sepidedam.com, broadcasts speeches by Mousavi, who has repeatedly complained that state television favors Ahmadinejad. "So we still get our message out through the Web. And the best part is, it's for free," Badamchi said, adding that "these are the most digital and virtual elections ever" in Iran.Hasn't Mr. Shamaqdari ever seen Revenge of the Nerds? He's forgetting that the geeks always win in the end, whether it's Hollywood or real life.
Shamaqdari[Ahmadinejad adviser] portrayed Mousavi's supporters as geeks who spend too much time at their computers.
"Even though it is bad for their mental health, Mousavi's supporters spend hours on the Internet," he said. "Our youths are more social. They like to hang out at baseej centers, on the streets or play sports. They like to meet in groups. Mousavi's supporters are more solitary."
UPI has good photo coverage of the Iranian election campaign here.
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