Here's a real schnoozer of an article on Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, that has more hot air than the
Balloon Boy odyssey. From a lengthy piece in the
Washington Post:
With her CNN appearance on Sunday attacking Fox News as "a wing of the Republican Party," the White House dispatched its communications director to make one of its most aggressive salvos, in part because she alone in the communications department can withstand the blowback.
"She's tough, she knows how to handle herself in the national media, she's not intimidated by it and she enjoys the fray," said David Gergen, a former White House communications director. "It surprised me to see Anita Dunn out there, but if you are going to do it, go with your pro, and she's your pro."
Yawn. Nothing in the article about
her husband's attempt to silence free speech during the Obama campaign, and nothing about the criticism
Beck has brought up by citing quotes from mass murderers. Just a lame puff piece about how awesome she is and how it's justifiable for government officials to shut down Fox News like some Hugo Chavez public affairs strategy.
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