“Well, we’re really thrilled that we’re able to get…Curt Schilling. We’ve tried for a long time and we finally got him. So we’re really proud of ourselves.”
OK, first off, Curt Schilling works for ESPN and so does Michael Kay. ESPN talent is only allowed to appear on other ESPN owned shows unless their contractually obligated to promote something else, as long as ESPN has approved it. (Schilling was promoting his new video game, “Kingdoms of Amalur”) So, I’m sure ESPN did Kay a favor.

“Joe Girardi said he didn’t like the fact that David Ortiz tossed the bat away…is that something (players) take serious?” Schilling laughed him off and said David Ortiz didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. OK, I take issue with this:
- Joe Girardi needs to protect his young pitcher.
- Schilling and Ortiz were teammates for 4 years, so of course he’s going to take his side.
He went on to say he never hit anyone on purpose and blah, blah, blah. Well Mr. Hypocrite, you just said Oritz didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, yet, you said you hated when guys did that to. So which is it?
So then I started wondering back to my earlier point. Kay is our guy. Why isn't he challenging Schilling? I mean, I know Schilling is a guest on his show, but this is a guy that's contradicting himself and no one is challenging his statement. I found it utterly ridiculous. Why not stand up for what you believe in? I mean, you've been talking about how Girardi was aggravated by the bat flip, so, stick to the point and give Schilling the rapid fire...nothing.
Now, in fairness, Kay did go on to point out that acceptance of this behavior is selective.
“If Alex Rodriguez does the same thing, the Red Sox will probably throw at him…Jason Varitek will give him a face full of glove.”
Schilling responded by saying that’s not true and David Ortiz isn’t the only one who does it and A-Rod's 500 home runs give him some lee-way. Say what you want about Alex, but we all know if he showed up a Boston pitcher the way Ortiz did, he’d be taking one in the ribs.
Message to Kay, yes, you say your an independent broadcaster but we know where your heart lies. All we ask is next time don't roll over for a fellow ESPN guy when you clearly disagree with him, that's all.
-- Lem Allen, BYB Freelance Writer
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