"Bleeding Yankee Blue has the dress code, you really need to follow it." -- Joe Girardi looks like he's saying this

1.Lycra/Spandex tank tops- I know, I know. This is a material that is readily available at a Walmart near you, but it's not meant for us to buy two sizes too small and squeeze into. There is nothing flattering about muffin tops and back boobs. Rule of Thumb: If you can fit Cervelli’s catcher’s mitt into the folds of your back flesh, you are in denial about what size you are. You need a Yankees shirt instead, or maybe a Bleeding Yankee Blue tee. Hey Casey, can you make some already?

4. Spaghetti Straps/Tanks- If you've recently purchased a gravity-defying set from a plastic surgeon, fine, go ahead. Wear them. If you are over the age of 30, my opinion of course, but this look may not be for you. Isaac Newton is the founding father of gravity, and I truly believe his mission was to forewarn us women about the effects of gravity. Yet, so many of us remain in denial. We continue to wear these cute little tops and pretend as if no one notices that "the girls" have dropped to somewhere near our waistline. To look good, we need to be more objective. So, if you look in the mirror, and you notice that you’re looking a little more like a low pitch in the dirt rather than a high fast ball, leave it at home.

7. Shorts and Stilettos- Sound ridiculous? Maybe to you and me, but you’d be surprised how much of this I saw, specifically in the sections closest to the Yankee dugout. Look ladies, Derek is not going to spot you, dump Minka and sweep you off those stripper heels and carry you into the dugout. Wear comfortable shoes. Your feet, and the guys toes that you just stepped on will thank you for it.

Although this is only a partial list, but please spread the word to all your friends. Let’s make our Yankee Stadium experience a fun, safe, and enjoyable time, not a bunch of fans who look like their about to be booked by the fashion police.
(For all of you for with no sense of humor, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this.)
--Christy Lee, BYB Staff Writer

--Jeana Bellezza, BYB Associate Editor
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.
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