Every Yankee fan knows how important it is that the Boston Red Sox's season ends before the playoffs. They play the Orioles tonight. Below is the
Babe Ruth's rookie card, a 1914 card when Babe Ruth was a member of the Orioles team. The Orioles were then a minor league Red Sox team. Ruth played with the Baltimore Orioles for about 5 months and then his contract was purchased by the Red Sox. The Curse of the Babe needs to return...

Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but everything counts, even believing in superstition. It's ironic to me that Babe Ruth began with the Orioles and now, on a possible last day of the Red Sox season, the Sox could very possibly be ending their season against the Orioles tonight. God I love baseball, everything is intertwined.
Pass this link on to every Yankees and Orioles you know. Keep the Curse alive. Let's go Baltimore! Let's go Yankees!!!
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