Montero came up and Yankeeland rejoiced. After all, everything you hear or read about him in the minors hyped this kid up ten-fold. I always imagined the pressure for a kid who is hyped up that much at such a young age. How do you NOT believe your the greatest? Look at ballplayers like Josh Hamilton who broke into the Tampa Bay Rays organization. I remember reading about him before he ever stepped into a pro batter’s box. The world was hyping him up, big time. Then, the young Hamilton bought into the hype, started enjoying himself alittle too much and fell off the face of the earth. I remember reading that he literally hit rock bottom and was crack addicted. he wrote about it in his book Beyond Belief. Bottom line, it was a dark road, but he got himself right and now he's clean. It's an amazing journey, but clearly he bought into the hype.
Look at that Matt Bush kid out of the San Diego Padres organization. Another one with high hopes. This kid thought he was the greatest player since Babe Ruth the way they hyped him up. So, he bought into it, he thought he probably thought he was invincible and guess what? He got into some trouble with the law and right now he has nothing. Hopefully he can turn his life around. Read about it HERE.
The point is Jesus Montero looks humble. He looks like he’s just happy to be there and if you know anything about the Yankees, they will do their best to shield their young talent from the demons of excess. But ultimately, it comes down to the kid. It comes down the Jesus Montero. Look, I am in no way saying Montero is going down that dark road of excess. In fact, I’m saying the opposite. There’s something about the way this kid carries himself that is making God smile on him. Maybe it’s his focus, dedication, maybe his name (that’s clearly a joke) but one things for sure, I see this kid growing up in an organization that will give him tools to succeed and not fail. And Montero, who looks as focused as any veteran, will hopefully stay on the right track, perform, grow and win a few championships with the New York Yankees.
Bottom line, I haven’t felt this way since Derek Jeter was talked about way before he ever put on a professional uniform. And that goes back to my point; Focus and the Yankees. Derek Jeter is home grown. Derek Jeter has never strayed off the path, in fact, he knew what talent he had and what the Yankees were willing to do with him and the marriage is historic. I see Jesus Montero as our next Derek Jeter ladies and gentlemen. Dedication, Talent, Passion and Championships. Here we go again Yankeeland. It’s about to get exciting again.
Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.
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