I watched Jon Lester come back from cancer and pitch a no-hitter in 2008, it was a story for the ages, and again, I hate the Red Sox. But anyone with a heart and a love for baseball got it and again you tip your cap.
When Josh Hamilton cranked out 28 home runs at Yankee Stadium in 2008 at the Home run derby, while I hate the Rangers, I respected this feat. It was pretty damn incredible and I got it... it was good for baseball, the best sport in the world.
So, to my surprise, or maybe not, some ridiculous blogger decided that the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim really did a stupid thing honoring a living legend in Derek Jeter with a painting last Friday night at Angels Stadium. I wrote WHY IT’S BIZARRO WORLD last month because yes, even I was confused by the honor, but the more I thought about it, I found it to be true class. Wow, another ball club other than the Yankees was going to honor Jeter. To me, it was pretty damn unselfish and respectful, plus, it’s great for baseball.
The Angels gave Derek Jeter a painting commemorating his 3000th hit. There wasn’t a party, there wasn’t a parade, there was just a gift and a photo op and that’s it. I stated in my piece last month:
"...you have to wonder how baseball fans and Angels fans in Angels Stadium will react. I would expect fans will get it and a standing ovation would take place, but to tell you the truth, with that stupid rally monkey all over Angels Stadium and the rivalry that has developed over the years between the 2 teams, there will be plenty of booing and aggravation..."
I was hopeful however that baseball traditionalists would understand and tip their cap, out of respect for Jeter and for the game. I think more did than didn’t, and one guy, uses his blog as a hate site and found this generous deed by the Angels "outrageous." He wrote:
“LA Times fossil Bill Dwyre was sniffing Jeter’s jock in public on the pages of the rag he blogs for and mentioned the fact that the Angels were planning a tribute to Jeter. Is Carpino hoping to be hired away by the Yankees organization?”
He goes further: “Someone must pay for this rubbing of our noses in East Coast dogshit in our own town kennel.”
Wow. Look, I get the frustration, but I find this to be crass. He is however entitled to his opinion and clearly I am to mine. Derek Jeter has 5 championships under his belt. True, it’s a team effort, but he contributed to every one. Derek Jeter is on a hit list with players who are long retired from the game of baseball. Currently he stands at #20 at 3073. Derek Jeter is the most clean cut ballplayer I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime, a role model. What happened to a tip of the cap and you move on? No? Too soon? I’m not getting it.
True, if David Ortiz can into Yankee Stadium and the Yankees gave Papi a painting, I’d be furious. If the Angels’ Ervin Santana was honored at Yankee Stadium with a painting, it wouldn’t make sense. The difference between them and Jeter is simple, he’s a living legend, a baseball icon, and they are not. Longevity, presentation and championships define Jeter.
Jeter is on the most “overrated” players list every year… yeah, that’s because he’s good and jealousy runs that poll. Just look at his numbers. No one likes a winner, no one likes the Yankees but everyone likes baseball. The point is, you may not care for the team or the athlete, but respect the game and the achievement, that's all.
Bottom line, I feel like before you run your fat mouth off on your blog, you should think. It's all about the game. I'm not saying we have to hold hands with opposing fans, I'm saying decipher between respecting someone and being annoyed by someone... the game's more fun that way.
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