The Bad: There was fighting in Sadr City overnight, despite the recent Sadr-backed ceasefire of the Mahdi Army in the Shi'ite district. It puts a question mark into how much control the guy has over his movement. Media will most likely spin this to make the U.S. forces look like the aggressor in some "purge" campaign. In reality, we're just shooting back. Terrorists in Mosul killed 5 Iraqi policemen with an IED.
The Ugly: Former employee of the US embassy in Baghdad, Ret. Judge Brennan, has stated that the State Department has overlooked corruption within the Iraqi government, indirectly killing Americans and Iraqis?!? Holy smokes, talk about some harsh criticism. Of course, I'm more likely to listen to a Foreign Service Officer with more than 25 days of boots on ground. This author for the Houston Chronicle says the best way to alleviate that guilt about the Iraq war is to "vote Democrat". Not think about future foreign policy or the best way forward, just "Vote Democrat" so you can alleviate that guilt...what an asshole.

Broken Glass, Broken Dreams (from AFP)
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