Robots are so sweet, and I want to be replaced by one. T minus three... Here's the goods the blogosphere has to offer on Iraq:
- Iraq: The Purgatorium is Headin' Back to the States
- Army of Dude recalls Memorial Day in Iraq, 2007
- Iraqi Mojo highlights Iraqi patriots
- Spencer Ackerman gives a shout out to those who care about Iraq
- Words From Warriors talks about how she supports the troops
- GI Kate, an Iraq vet, talks about Memorial Day
- Iraqpundit warns us if soccer meets demise in Iraq
- Michelle Malkin says the LA Times can't find any bad news about Iraq
- Small Wars Journal says reducing the mission is not the answer
- Gateway Pundit on Iran conducting psyops on the Iraqis
- Guidons Guidons Guidons talks about Sadr City and helicopters
- The Tension has photos from western Baghdad
- Inside Iraq not impressed with the Ministry of Education
- Navy Gal is bored senseless (she's not alone!)
- A Soldier's Perspective talks about General Petraeus and troop cuts in Iraq
- VetVoice on the phony patriot
- The Long War Journal discusses the Iraqi Army finding huge caches in Sadr City
- Talisman Gate hears rumors that many militia thugs are heading to Maysan province
- Hot Air talks about VFF slamming Obama
- The Captain's Journal discusses Jihad
- CI-Roller Dude reminisces on Fallujah
- Democracy Arsenal highlights Hillary Clinton questioning Petraeus
- False Motivation talks about switching from deployment mode to garrison mode
- Abu Muqawama talks about the Iraqi Army in Sadr City
- Yankee Sailor argues that Bin Laden has surrendered in Iraq
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