Seeing how the President has embraced the celebrity scene of
yuk-yuk jokes on late night TV and commemorating himself in
coronation-style ceremonies, it's only fitting that the "look-at-me!" culture trickles down to the parasite class in DC. While they aren't busy figuring out new and improved ways to
fuck over and
fuck up the rest of America, DC lawmakers are going to be filmed in a new series of reality shows.
Politico explains:
To be sure, the nation's capital certainly has some of the key ingredients of a hit realty series. Insiders note that "great personalities and an interesting story" are essential to successful reality show. By that measure, Washington is a perfect fit.
And in a town with as many egos as Washington, finding a cast might not be such an impossible task. After all, participating in a realty show has one big upside: exposure.
Your tax dollars at work.
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