Today Sports Illustrated released the results of their poll where they asked 185 Major League players to answer this question: "Who is the most overrated player in baseball?"
Now, I’ve never been a huge fan of Sports Illustrated. Let me re-phrase that, I used to be, as a kid. Then I grew up and found their content to be borderline ESPNish when it comes to the New York Yankees. They take shots...a lot. Now, in fairness, they have written great pieces too and the piece on the Yankees Core Four was decent, only because it’s never been done before. That being said, why in the hell do they do polls about the players and why are the Yankees always at the top of the list of Hatesville. Look, we’ve been hearing this argument for years. Derek Jeter is Mr. Clean and not the greatest shortstop on the majors. He's overrated.
How about Alex Rodriguez, huh? Alex was first on the list this year. People cry and say A-Rod is overrated and he just happens to be on the Yankees I guess. It’s funny, we never heard any of this when he was with the Texas Rangers. He comes to the New York Yankees and that next year, the bologna starts. We get it, Alex is the most hated Yankee ever. Guess what, to Yankee fans, he’s not. So, enough is enough.
Alex's numbers are great and while he doesn’t bat .350 each year, he’s a ballplayer, understand that. Averages go up and down. Home runs come or don’t, but Alex is not a machine, he’s human.
This year Joba Chamberlain and Derek Jeter were on the list as well. How convenient. For the record, Jonathan Papelbon was also on this list and to be totally honest with you, as much as I hate Jonathan Papelbon, he doesn’t belong on this list either. Did I mention that I hate Papelbon? I do, I really really do.
The point is, when it comes to the Yankees, we are the champion of champions. We're the Zeus of all Gods. The cherry on top of the ice cream... we rule. When we win, we win big. When we lose, we fall hard. That's the nature of it. Are you going to tell me that diving into the stands full speed during a Yankees-Red Sox rivalry game is overrated? How about just plain ballsy and gutsy? How about talented and full of pride? I know Jeet didn't dive this year, but that dive is the makeup of the player he is and always will be. No, I guess SI decided that they would trash New York once again and "poll" that Jeter is overrated. Ridiculous. Even Jeter said this today:
“We're doing this again? I've got no comment on their anonymous polls, So there you have it. Got it? All right.’’
The funniest part of this whole silly poll is Wallace Matthews who writes this in his headline mocking SI: "Grandy 'overrated'? Maybe next year". That's brilliant and it's true. The criteria for this stupid poll is a great ballplayer and be a New York Yankee and your on the list.
My opinion? This is all jealously, plain and simple. We are the champions of baseball over all. We have terrific ballplayers, and we are the New York Yankees. So yes, while Jeter was on the list, you know the best part of this? Payback. Look for this to fuel the Yankees fire.
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