One bit of hatred I have fostered and have not been able to shake since adolescence is my scorn for yuppies. You know the type. The people founnd in urban and s
uburban dwellings with a foreign-made SUV sporting a camper attached to the roof, which is replete with
bumper stickers about saving the environment and impeaching the president. Their endless quest to enhance their career, their wine and cheese parties, and their worship of their pets who get spa treatments all make me ill to my stomach. It's not so much an envy complex for what I don't possess, but rather a disgust for the entire culture. The fact that they attempt to "educate the public" for their paltry causes gives them moral justification to indulge themselves on an unsustainable lifestyle.

One thing I have found incredibly disturbing is their position on politics. I don't accuse them of apathy, but they tend to seek a political agenda which infringes on the life of everyone that doesn't subscribe to their creed. Yeah, they want public transportation, but for all the other people, jerks like you and me. They also seem to have some infatuation with bike lanes. What is this, the dark ages? Their desire to understand other cultures is not of a sense of respect or interest in history, but rather to exploit it for their own needs for the sake of authenticity. Because they don't want to admit that they are fake people, governed by their greed for endless consumption.

Their obsession with health and spending time at the gym is merely a distraction to avoid any discussion of their vapid souls while in a social setting. Because, it is only through struggle and hardship that we can gain experience and wisdom. The endless quest for hedonism and this "Garden of Eden" mentality that pervades our very shops and cafes in our city streets is untenable in a society of multiple individuals and it must be accepted that not everyone is going to be the same. This "Self-Confidence" and "Self-Esteem" that hack television hosts have been peddling for years fails to address the concept of humility. Only when you realize that you are not God's gift to humanity can you listen to others and gain knowledge from their insight. I've never thought that I had all the right answers, but I have been able to learn quite a bit from a variety of individuals from various backgrounds due to paying attention and not trying to come off like I am better than them. Perhaps, this is why I harbor so much hatred. It may be due to the fact that I deplore when people think they are somehow better than everyone else. Because this would imply that their is an "ideal" human being, when our modern world clearly indicates that ideals are subjected to a lot of discourse and debate.
Some may construe my hatred to me being part of the cult of victimization, where I see other people's actions as belittling and demeaning to my own. This is far from the truth, as the quickest way to enlightenment is through disavowing mere material luxuries. Only then can the truth be known. I have a lot to stay about willfully stupid people, but I'll save that for another day.

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