Yesterday was the anniversary of Paul Revere's famous ride (thanks to Jules Crittenden for reminding me), and today is the day when the Battles of Lexington and Concord took place against the hated redcoats. Obviously, time heals all wounds and the Brits are our allies these days, but the lessons of those turbulent times still apply. Plenty of rants can be found at this nutty blog of what the next upcoming crisis is going to be. But I'm more interested in hearing what others have to say. If you were Paul Revere what would you be hollering and warning people about?
Note: This will provide a pleasant distraction from more somber and depressing anniversaries that take place in the same week [e.g. US Embassy Bombing in Lebanon (1983), Hitler's Birthday (1889), Waco (1993), OKC Federal Building Bombing (1995), Columbine Massacre (1999), Virginia Tech Massacre (2007), uh... you get the idea]
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