While perusing for articles on Iraq, I noticed that the most read article on the Time website was one about
married couples doing it. It's a Q&A with some author from Boulder (People's Republic of) who penned the book "The Sex-Starved Marriage". Frankly, I don't want to know about other people's sex lives. What is this, Europe? That's none of my goddamn business, especially if it's old geezers in the sack. Getting it on should be incredibly awkward, uncouth, and pornography should be utilized to mitigate sexual desires, albeit at a certain level of embarrassment endured by society. Indeed, our entire society is constructed on the premise of being sexually frustrated. Cities are built, economies are developed, books are written, culture is created, all due to the fact that men and women aren't getting any action. Even this modest blog has been a created completely with involuntary celibacy. So I say that no sex is certainly an altruistic notion that enables us as a civilization.

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