The Bad: Damn...a very violent last couple of days. A car bomb has killed dozens at a courthouse in Baquba. 12 Kurdish Peshmerga troops have been killed in Ninawa province (home of Mosul and center of much of the terrorist-style violence in northern Iraq). 2 US soldiers were killed by IEDs. The fraudulent Iraqi spokesman for Al-Qaeda, Al-Baghdadi, has called for Sunni Sahwa members to come back and embrace Al-Qaeda. Somehow I think that they won't fall for that one again.
The Ugly: Sadr has called for the 1,300 Iraqi Forces who got canned either for surrendering to the militia or being incompetent to be integrated back into the Iraqi Security Forces. It's a lose-lose situation, because if the Ministry of Defenese doesn't, they will simply be on the Mahdi Army payroll, and if they are re-integrated, there will be more militia infestation. Christian Science Monitor has an interesting article about dealing with the problem of Sadr. It involves a lot of service-providing an aid to counter the Hezbollah-style influence the Mahdi Army wields over Sadr City.

Manning a Sadr City checkpoint...dangerous business
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