The Good: Washington Post has good embed journalism from Mosul on the ups and downs of US forces working with Iraqis to secure the population from terrorists. If Sadr City calms down, expect to hear most reporting to focus on Mosul. The
Sadr Trend has reportedly negotiated with the UIA bloc (the bloc Prime Minister and
ISCI are part of) to allow the Iraqi Security Forces into Sadr City to seize heavy weapons. This is similar to what happened in
Basra, and it turned out alright. The Sadr Trend was forced to allow the Iraqi Security Forces in because the Sadr City residents were suffering (no shit). The
MRAP vehicles are getting more
armor upgrades to lessen the effect of
IED attacks on our troops. Story for those seeking a
Saturday heartwarmer on a
SSGT from 2ID who helped out an Iraqi girl in
Diyala province.
Long War Journal has the scoop on Special Forces conducting ops in Sadr City to target militia thugs.
The Bad: An errant rocket struck the
BBC bureau in Baghdad, most likely targeting the Green Zone. The militia's rockets often miss their targets and kill civilians in the process. Luckily, no one was hurt in this particular attack. In an alarming move, the
Sadrists have spoken ill of Sistani! Grand Ayatollah
Sistani is, as far as I can tell, the most influential person in Iraq, and the
Sadrists are mad that he hasn't condemned the situation in Sadr City.
The Ugly: As if we needed the Ambassador to tell us, more unrest in the Middle East would cause oil prices to go sky-high. The
Time article takes the opportunity to make the Iraq war all about "
teh oil". Some perv in
KBR got busted with child porn. Most of the
KBR contractors I know are professional, but I guess every organization has that one bozo that makes everyone else look like a jackass.
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