Yeah, YEAH! What? Um, no, I didn't say anything, Lemur. No, who said I said that? I bet it was that FUCKING PENGUIN! You seem cool, lemur. Really. Don't get up. Do you need anything? No? Okay, well if you need anything, you let me know.
Friday, October 31, 2008
um, fuck you?
Yeah, YEAH! What? Um, no, I didn't say anything, Lemur. No, who said I said that? I bet it was that FUCKING PENGUIN! You seem cool, lemur. Really. Don't get up. Do you need anything? No? Okay, well if you need anything, you let me know.
Newfie Pups Don't Faze This Motherfucker
Super Fun Time Weekend Thread: Zombie Edition
Zombies stormed Wall Street recently to feast on the oversize, Ivy-leagued brains of investment bankers and traders. Of course, we're better off trusting flesh-eating zombies than the government to manage our retirement accounts. At least the undead aren't going on a taxpayer-funded vacation during a "house recess" every two months.
Anyone got any groovy Halloween pics or costume idears?
Elitist Polar Bears
Oh, you think you're better than me, polar bear? Cause when I lay like that it just looks like I am drunk? Well, you can go FUCK YOURSELF. At least I don't walk around rubbing blood off my FUCKING fur in the snow all day! You probably hang out in Starbucks and watch television shows like 30 Rock and Mad Men. WELL FUCK YOU SOCIALIST.
Inaugural Address
Director of White Aryan Resistance Endorses...Obama?!?
The corporations are running things now, so it’s not going to make much difference who's in there, but McCain would be much worse. He’s a warmonger. He’s a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush. Obama, according to his book, Dreams Of My Father, is a racist and I have no problem with black racists. I’ve got the quote right here: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s white race.' The problem with Obama is he’s being dishonest about his racial views. I’d respect him if he’d just come out and say, 'Yeah, I’m a black racist.' I don’t hate black people. I just think it’s in the best interest of the races to be separated as much as possible. See, I’m a leftist. I’m not a rightist. I hate the transnational corporations far more than any black person.Obviously this doesn't say anything about Obama or the majority of his supporters, but it's an odd commentary on how politics make some fucking strange bedfellows.
Happy Happy Halloween!
Whether you're the crazy guy at the end of your block who hands out chocolate bars w/needles stuck in them, or that annoying lady who feels the need to hand out "organic fruit snacks", have a Happy Halloween! The embedded video is from the awesomely terrible Halloween III: Season of the Witch (it's about druids...and robots...and doing it with robots...and a mass killing of children...I think). See some more recommended movies from yours truly here.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
4 Political Ads to Make You Vomit in the Voting Booth
#1: The "Big John" ad for Sen. Cornyn (R-Tx). He was quoted in Politico saying "My staff convinced me that it would be a good idea… Maybe I need a new staff." I know the Republic of Texas has a history of cowboy culture, but are the people looking for their Senator to ride into DC with a Howdy-Doody vest?
#2:There is no doubt that the former Alaskan Senator, Mike Gravel, is completely insane. Trying to "bust out a rap" reminds me of an anti-drug PSA from the early 90s, and this ad came out waayyy after Obama Girl was yesterday's news.
#3:Ralph Nader ponders the existentialism of politics in a post-modern world...with a parrot. Why? Because he's a fuckin' idiot.
#4: Sure, The Obama would never lend himself to such a shoddy product. But this bizarre chearleading contest from Obama, Japan is probably going to replace recess for every kid in public school. So get used to hearing this melody as you drive around town looking for a job and scavenging for a dead cat to cook up in Obama's America.
Bing West Furious At Everybody
Yet had Rosen been captured by Afghan soldiers, it is likely Rolling Stone magazine would have asked the US military to intercede for his release. But if the reporter has no obligation toward the soldier, does the soldier have the obligation to protect the journalist? Should Rosen, if captured, have been released or put on trial for aiding or abetting the enemy?I empathize with the resentment, like when Washington Post stringers of dubious association were watching the Mahdi Army launch attack against the U.S., and of course there is always terrorist AP photographer Bilal Hussein. However, Nir Rosen's piece wasn't exactly giving a lot of sympathy to the Taliban thugs, and he never actively took part in an attack against ISAF forces. So bringing up "aiding and abetting the enemy" might be a bit much in his assault against a perceived enemy in the media.
Bing West goes on to rail against the Secretary of Defense and Admiral Mullen for lacking "moral courage and clarity" during tough times. Is he trying to get on C.H.U.D. Busters or something? I can't even begin to fathom the kind of responsibility that public servants Gates and Mullen have, and I would save my criticism for the politicians that appointed them, which is the crux behind "civilian control" of the military. This "good vs. evil" paradigm often neglects to understand the nature of the enemy and prevents any sort of reconciliation, which created a disastrous situation in Iraq following the invasion, something Bing himself acknowledges.
Abu Muqawama has more on Bing West follies, when he compares one generation to another as an arbiter of American greatness:
First he went after Bill Murphy's book in Forbes, sniping -- among other things -- that the contemporary American officer corps had not sacrificed on a level equivalent to those who fought in World War II and Vietnam -- wars "more intense" than the ones currently being fought.Sure, I can say that my service was "less intense" than my late grandfathers in WWII. But casting such broadstrokes about today's military is a little unfair and can diminish a lot of respect in the public mind...I mean try saying that to this guy.
I don't want to interpret the words of others, but when David Bellavia says "don’t use your valor awards from previous wars to tell me about my war" in response to Murtha, it might apply to other older veterans, like West, as well.
Why Are The Nice Ones Always So Damn Crazy?
Unlike the usual blend of morans at the Huffington Post talking about the evils of Rovian America, Carol Anne Burger chose to write straight-forward journalism for the site including early voting in Florida and motivated Young Democrats. Unfortunately, a relationship gone sour with her lover may have a small impact on her career. From Palm Beach Bost (h/t Libertarian Leanings):
Carol Anne Burger killed her former lover by stabbing her 222 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then took pains to hide her crime, police said Wednesday...Examining the body, detectives absorbed what had been done to her. Stab wounds were clustered around the back of her head and stitched across her back and arms and face. Most were between an inch and an inch-and-a-half deep. A blow to Kalish's neck probably killed her, investigators determined.
Like child-murderer John Wayne Gacy putting on clown shows for kids, and murderer/rapist Ted Bundy speaking eloquently in court. It never seems to be the mutants one would expect.
USS Michael Monsoor

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Joe to Take Part in Hoe Down

“Joe” — aka Samuel Wurzelbacher, a Holland, Ohio, pipe-and-toilet man — just signed with a Nashville public relations and management firm to handle interview requests and media appearances, as well as create new career opportunities, including a shift out of the plumbing trade into stage and studio performances.Ye gods. There will be no further discussion of Joe.On Tuesday, Wurzelbacher joined country music artist and producer Aaron Tippin to form a new partnership that includes booking-management firm Bobby Roberts and publicity-management concern The Press Office to field the multiple media offers he’s received over the past few weeks.
Among the requests: a possible record deal with a major label, personal appearances and corporate sponsorships.
(h/t Ms. K)
Obama Campaign To Solve Everyone's Problems by Ending Iraq War

The Iraq war has certainly been wrought with controversy and has been unpopular in America ever since early 2004. It has also come with a hefty price tag and is currently costing about $10 Billion a month. Whoever wins the election will deal with the messy Status of Forces Agreement and properly withdrawing coalition troops as security responsibility is transferred to the Iraqi Security Forces. But Obama is capitalizing on Iraq's unpopularity by implying he could fund the promises he has made to America in his commercial by ending the war. According to an WSJ article by a CATO guy, that's not gonna be enough:
A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money. Altogether, Mr. Obama is promising at least $4.3 trillion of increased spending and reduced tax revenue from 2009 to 2018 -- roughly an extra $430 billion a year by 2012-2013...It's politically advantageous to speak out against a war no one likes, but trying to fudge the numbers for this fairy tale government isn't doing a service to anyone.
...The number of U.S. troops in Iraq will decline, regardless of who the next president is. Yet the CFARB credits John McCain's budget with only a $5 billion savings from troop reduction in Iraq, while Mr. Obama gets an extra $55 billion.
The Oboner Media
The windows of this mind-set are provided by Slate's Jacob Weisberg, for whom the Obama election is a national referendum on racism; the New York Times' Nicholas D. Kristof, for whom an Obama presidency is an opportunity to "rebrand" our nation and "find a path to restore America's global influence"; E.J. Dionne, who sees an Obama presidency as representing a chance to "rekindle the sense of possibility and transformation" in American life; and a swooning Andrew Sullivan, who almost a year ago speculated that Obama might be "that bridge to the 21st century that Bill Clinton told us about." For Chris Matthews, of course, the Obama candidacy is a "thrill" going up his leg, one that will arc over his torso and detonate his head in the event of a victory.
The leading Obama cheerleader among the commentariat is Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, whose "erection of the heart" for the candidate has no match.
Zombified Corpse of Kim Jong-Il Hospitalized

What is Sen. Obama's Stance on Unicorns?

Republicans to Secretly Meet in VA to Discuss Wildly Successful Campaign Strategy

Due to the trainwreck of the GOP campaign this election cycle, prominent conservatives are going to gather in a fortress of solitude to discuss better tactics to win in 2010. Johnathan Martin has the scoop:
Few believe that the Republican party will respond to another brutal election by following a path of moderation, but conservatives are deeply dispirited and anxious to reassert the core values they believe have not always been followed by Bush, congressional leaders and their party’s presidential nominee . Many on the right, both elites and the rank-and-file, see a rudderless party that is in dire need of new blood and old principles: small government, a robust national security and unapologetic social conservatism.Martin also states that Palin will be near the top of the ticket to run for Prez, despite her obscene unpopularity among the voting public. A push for "unapologetic social conservatism" to all the supposed June Cleavers and Torquemadas residing in America might not even be a winning strategy, as evangelicals (the traditional bulwarks of social conservatism) make up a mere 24% of the public, and are only "reluctantly" supporting McCain (possibly because some think voting for Obama will send you straight to hell)! It's none of my business as to whether someone believes in speaking in tongues or spirtual warfare or Xenu or whatever, but notorious intellectual with sharp commentary who's also a bit of an asshole, Christopher Hitchens, writes a scathing critique of why Palin's stubborn beliefs about science could spell disaster for policy. From Slate:
This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus. Those who despise science and learning are not anti-elitist. They are morally and intellectually slothful people who are secretly envious of the educated and the cultured. And those who prate of spiritual warfare and demons are not just "people of faith" but theocratic bullies. On Nov. 4, anyone who cares for the Constitution has a clear duty to repudiate this wickedness and stupidity.Maybe the next Republican party will take this to heart, or maybe they'll continue down a losing path. Either way, I'll be bitterly cllinging to my porn and online gambling until they don't scare the daylights out of me with blatant religous overtones getting mixed in with politics at the federal level.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Forgotten War
So, Which "The Heights" Character is Most Like You?
I have no idea how this show got canceled!
First They Came for the Plumbers

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK'd the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.Fellow proles, there is no need to fear a demagogue-like president rising to power in a time of economic crisis with a self-righteous majority of supporters who pay no heed to the Rule of Law. No historical precedents whatsoever!
She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.
Amid questions from the media and others about "Joe the Plumber," Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments.
Where my homies at? (libertarians that is)
Reason has an article out discussing how people who self-identify as fiscally conservative and socially liberal are aligning themselves in America's nutty maelstrom of politics. Based on polling data, seems libs are doing an about face from the Repubs due to perceived nastiness and culture war fiascoes:
The real McCain, whoever that is or was, may still believe that major swathes of the Religious Right represent "agents of intolerance" in our politics. But he has decided to stake both his election and the Republican Party's future upon them—from the barely coded racial refrain of "Who is Barack Obama?," to the rallies with shouts of "terrorist" and "kill him," to the corrosive choice of pipeline-prayer Sarah Palin as his running mate and heir apparent.
Tax cuts or no tax cuts, a party that can be roused in time of deep crisis only by fear and tribalism—a party that a supposed moderate is now deeding to its most extreme elements—can scarcely serve as a safe home to liberty or the voters who cherish it.
My Turn: You're 18 You're Out the Door!
My Turn, the first-person Newsweek feature that covers a random assortment of topics from Dude, Where's My Bridge to Nowhere and I Can't Cook Like Grandma, has always been a fave of mine. Primarily, because it allows people to shamelessly air the dirty laundry of life in a major media publication. It can also provide a fascinating look at mainstream trends in your generation that you isolated yourself from long ago by signing up for military service. After reading a Politico article about this new wave of young voters, it sounds like these youngsters are looking for "change" in the form of free government healthcare, free college tuition, and free beer money from the tooth fairy. Call me a cynical asshole if you must, but it's well known that people tend to vote their self-interest and riding the feel-good train to fame and fortune seems to be the lofty aspirations of all these would-be Paris Hiltons based on polling data.
But a looksy at these two My Turns gets to the root of the problem with many young people today, they are just too doggone self-centered and woefully dependent on their parents. An NYC denizen describes her "subsidized" friends living up every hipsters dream of having a studio in SoHo:
Higher rents and the need for deeper pockets are part of the charm associated with city living, but urban pricing aside, it is possible to live in any city regardless of your age or income; it just takes a little budgeting and prioritizing. Surrendering to lifestyle flexibility may be unattractive, but sometimes it's necessary. It's easy to "keep up with the Joneses" when financial responsibility is someone else's problem. The fact is, my peers who flood out of designer stores, arms adorned with shopping bags, wouldn't be able to afford their purchases without ringing up a massive credit-card debt. By continuing to provide for their twentysomething kids, parents hinder their children's ability to be financially responsible. If you don't learn to budget early on, what will inspire you to do so when your finances become your own prerogative?Another ex-tutor talks about getting paid by well-to-do parents to do their kids homework while the little darlings are out screwing in the backseat of Mom's Lexus SUV:
Welcome to the world of professional paper-writing, the dirty secret of the tutoring business. It's facilitated by avaricious agencies, perpetuated by accountability-free parents and made possible by self-loathing nerds like me. For three-hour workdays, the ability to sleep in and the opportunity to get paid to learn, I tackled subjects like Dostoevsky while spoiled jerks smoked pot, took naps, surfed the Internet and had sex. Though some offered me chateaubriand and the occasional illicit drug, most treated me like the help. I put up with it because I feared working in an office for $12 an hour again.This frightening trend will most likely lead to these spoiled turds growing up to be CEOs of large corporations looking for more and more government bailout money to fund their pricey lifestyles. This will have a crippling effect on our society as urban decadence is publicly financed, while schmucks employed out in Rubes-ville have to work longer hours to make ends meet and pay their taxes.
Due to a court-order from that smartass judge, I'm not allowed to father children, but if I had some kids I would do them a favor and give them the boot right when they finished high school (with parental affection of course). The world is an interesting place when you make your own way, and it would help prevent a burgeoning class of skinny-jeaned hipsters from continuously trying to vote themselves largesse at everyone else's expense.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Not sure if the reflective vest and hard hat were for political effect, or if he just punched out from work, but Tito is a much better spokesman for the Republican Party than Ted the Corrupt Senator. It's tough times for the Republican party, but it's interesting to see what they roll out this last bitter week of the campaign.
Presidential Candidate Gets to Meet THE A.C. Slater

The candidate often bemoans the media asking silly and superficial questions. The media isn't focused on the important issues facing the nation, he complains.If I knew you could meet so many awesome celebs that define our cultural history, I would've run for office years ago. I think the article is supposed to be about Obama shutting out the media or something, but I'm just jealous that Obama, that lucky guy, got to meet A.C! Whether or not they broke out the synthesizer to jam out to "Friends Forever" is unknown, but would've been kickass.
On Saturday in Nevada, Obama sat for an exclusive interview with Mario Lopez, the actor who played "A.C. Slater" on "Saved by the Bell," to air on the TV show "EXTRA!"
Syria in the Crosshairs

There was some conspiratorial talk earlier today about the cross-border operation in Syria being some kind of "October Surprise" for the Bush Administration. Turns out it was just an offensive against a terrorist facilitator with some very accurate targeting. From Fox News:
A U.S. strike on a network of foreign fighters in Syria killed its main target — an Al Qaeda coordinator who was wanted for sending foreign fighters, weapons and cash into Iraq, a U.S. official told FOX News.Terrorism is an international problem and if you can't police your border area, we will. Abu Ghadiya and his ilk are responsible for killing thousands by facilitating movement of suicide bombers from Syria into Iraq, and the Sinjar Records have documented their tactics. Unlike Pakistan, we're not trying to be good friends with Syria, so the outrage expressed by some Americans seems a little overblown, and is most likely intended to poke Bush in the eye one last time before he gets kicked out of office. Cold beers are in order for the team that pulled off this courageous operation, but it would probably be best if SpecOps like these stayed out of the media.
Among the eight people killed in Sunday's attack by Special Operations Forces was Abu Ghadiyain, Al Qaeda's senior coordinator operating in Syria who was closely associated with the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
"Fabulous" Palin Effigy Not Getting any Love During WeHo Parade

A Halloween decoration showing a mannequin dressed as vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin hanging by a noose from the roof of a West Hollywood home is drawing giggles from some passers-by and gasps of outrage from others. The mannequin is dressed in brunet wig, glasses and a red business suit. Another mannequin dressed as John McCain emerges from a flaming chimney.I'm not gonna say which side has had more nasty antics than other or even that I think Palin is awesome (she's not), but with a complicit media heavily favorable towards The Obama, expect displays like this to continue well beyond Nov. 4th to anyone not buying into the Democrats' Higher Purpose. By this time next year, most people who aren't self-professed liberals are probably going to be charecterized as cretinous morlocks, cooking up meth in trailers and railing on about c'untry first. That might be beneficial to Dems seeking to maintain their status quo of power, but it'll probably suck for everyone else.
CTC Sheds Some Light on Iran's Two-Faced Game in Iraq

The Counter-terrorism Center at West Point has released another important study regarding the proverbial Long War. It concerns Iranian influence in Iraq and recommendations to halt the nefarious part of their meddling [pdf]. Viewing this problem in the traditional conservative/liberal lens of domestic politics is an unfitting model for this complicated issue. If you're a crunchy liberal, you may think that U.S. actions in Iraq are unjustified and the Bush administration is rotten to the core, therefore Ahmadinejad's rhetoric about the U.S. being an imperial aggressor may sound slightly appealing (see the "I have a Crush on Ahmadinejad" post). Conversely, if you're a real charlie-church conservative, you probably view Iran as an evil empire and military action against the nation is inevitable. Both ideologies fail to comprehend what is really happening, and the CTC offers up an objective analysis of this important foreign policy issue.
Their key findings indicats that Iran is trying to give its traditional nemesis, The Great Satan aka the U.S., the boot from Iraq by use of proxy militias and influence in Iraqi politics, while simultaneously hoping to ensure a stable and friendly Iraq so that trench warfare isn't revisited ala the '80-'88 Iran-Iraq war. As evidenced by the money-hungry militia thugs that ruled Basra prior to the offensive in March, Iran's dangerous game of supporting combatants has an effect that is incredibly counter-productive to its stated goal of a stable Iraq. From the CTC study pg. 13:
It is a mistake to think of all Iranian influence in Iraq as nefarious. Iran should have a close relationship with the Iraqi government and strong economic and social ties to the Iraqi people. Nonetheless, Iranian policy over the last five years has been two‐faced: offering Iraq’s government moral support while arming militias that undermine governmental authority; funneling advanced weapons to attack its enemies, but providing humanitarian aid for the Iraqi people; and encouraging free elections, but attempting to manipulate their results.The CTC suggests an aggressive military and diplomatic effort to curb negative Iranian influence, while encouraging Iraqi nationalism to thwart Iran from subverting the Iraqi political process. The study even suggests direct negotiations between Iran and the U.S. to increase transparency of funds that Iran provides to Iraq. This is a very informative study, and goes way beyond the usual pundit blabber of "preconditions" and "Iran sucks, America is Awesome" that we can't seem to get beyond in this horrendous election season. Worth a read.
BOHICA! Rep. Frank Wants to Gut the Military

Barney Frank (D-MA), the clown a lot of people have been pointing fingers at for bringing us this crippling economic crisis, is attempting to prevent people from storming his residence with torches n' pitchforks by dishing out "free money" to Americans. By "free money" I mean the "healthcare expenses, food stamps and extended unemployment benefits" that he wants to hand out after the 2008 election to ensure the Democrats stay in power with a parasitic class of cheetos-eating loafers who just have to show up to the polling station once every two years. Of course, that money has gotta come from somewhere, and he has mentioned a hefty 25% cut in military spending [South Coast Today]:
In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay. The military cuts also mean getting out of Iraq sooner, he said.Greyhawk crunches the defense spending numbers on what a 25% cut would mean and it ain't looking good for America:
Eliminate 100% of procurement - eliminate every American job making armor and bullets and "fancy new weapons" in multiple House districts across the country - and you've reduced that budget by 20% - five short of Frank's goal. Of course, there's no further need for that R&D spending (15%) any more (or that silly "personnel" and "operations" waste...)It should also be noted that the most recent Defense Authorization Act allocates ~$10B/month for both Iraq and Afghanistan. Assuming we stopped all operations in both conflict zones and magically teleported our troops home tomorrow (at no cost) we would still only be looking at about a 20% decrease in military spending (with the total DoD budget at ~$600B/yr). So the Frankonomics aren't adding up and he needs to be honest about what a 25% cut would entail. But at least our troops will be well-prepared to wait in DMV-like lines for state-run health care programs when they get forced out early. Is this what Obama was talking about when he said America needed to restore its "Higher Purpose". Pass the fucking cheetos.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Last Bit of Lame Blogging: Kenny Loggins' Ambiguously Gay Top Gun Tribute
Dude, Loggins is totally whacking it on his bed while dreaming of Tom Cruise flying jets and getting feisty with his lover, Iceman. How did the 80s get away with itself?!? It's been described to me that Top Gun is the ultimate movie about gays in the military. Because the only unequivocally straight guy (Goose) gets killed off half-way through the flick, and the whole Tom Cruise-Charlie affair was just cover so Cruise could sing karoke. Quentin Tarantino agrees.
When in Rome
On the other hand, allow me to point fingers at The South for a minute. I was driving down I-95 from Savannah, GA and almost ran into not one, but two refrigerator sized boxes laying in the middle of the right lane. What is this, a third-world country?
Chronicles in Awesome: Bike War in Neo-Tokyo
If there's any better animation than the bike gang scene from Akira, I'd sure like to hear it. Yeah, this is anime, so feel free to leave jokes about overweight pederasts in the comments.
The Rise and Fall of a Gen X Icon
So I was watching old Roseanne reruns on Nickelodeon, because I have nothing better to do on a Sunday, and saw the sarcastic, cynical stylings of Darlene. Remember her? She brought up a lot of memories from the awkward early 90s as grunge was taking off, young people were disgruntled and skeptical of their lame parents, and there was no worse fate than being labeled a "poser" for hanging out with the jocks. Darlene could have been the spokeswoman for a generation of teens who weren't buying into the paradigm of our dull society.
Unfortunately, I decided to see what Sara Gilbert was up to these days, and her wiki states that "In her teens, Gilbert became a vegetarian. Today, she supports numerous organizations such as PETA, Meals on Wheels, Freedom of Speech, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and AIDS Project Los Angeles." Not that there is anything wrong with charity, but it may highlight a trend that all anti-authoritarian Gen Xers who grew their hair long and dyed it purple may become the mainstream if Obama gets elected. Wonder who the next generation of rebels will be?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Super Fun Time Weekend Thread: Ashley Todd and Bad Avatar Edition

Surprise! The 20-year old McCain volunteer Ashley Todd, who tried to start off a race war or some bullshit with a Munchausen-like story about a 6'4" black man carving a B in her face, made it all up [KDKA-Pittsburgh]. I guess it wasn't that big a surprise, because Michelle Malkin and Wonkette already declared shenanigans last night due to her bizarre twitter account. That pathetic ruse was about as successful as my astro-turf campaign at This Ain't Hell.
Anyways, what's everyone got going on this weekend? Any badass Halloween paraphernalia in the works?
World's Worst Avatar Generator: (h/t Waxy)
This website generates a free avatar based on whatever name you type in (FYI, to get your avatar in the haloscan comments go to this link). Although, I tried punching up some of the frequent commenters here into the generator, and some of you may be less than impressed with your pixelated self. Check it out:

Nuke Power Gets the Nod From the Snooty New York Times

LT Nixon tries to make a living off bloggin'
Great FAIL Moments in Presidential Assassination History

Manson Family Wacko, Squeaky Fromme, Really Leveled the Gender Playing Field for Presidential Assassinations
Everyone knows about angry, hillbilly southerner John Wilkes Booth waxing Lincoln (our favorite gay president) at Ford's Theater , but what about all the loser assassins who couldn't get the job done. Cracked has a pretty interesting piece on six botched attempts throughout our violent American history. They highlight the first attempt on JFK's life, which was totally lame:
This bought time for the good guys to work through the diabolical clues he mailed out. And by that we mean the postmaster glanced at the dates and postmarks and told the Secret Service where he was. By the time he was working on his second attempt on Kennedy's life, the cops were closing in.
When they pulled him over, the cops found seven sticks of dynamite wired in the vehicle. Pavlick originally had much more, but when he became nervous about getting caught he removed most of it, apparently under the impression that it's ok to have just a few explosives in your trunk at any given time.
Blogging Reduced to Stems and Seeds by Wired

Writing a weblog today isn't the bright idea it was four years ago. The blogosphere, once a freshwater oasis of folksy self-expression and clever thought, has been flooded by a tsunami of paid bilge. Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths.
Wired goes on to state that all the big, "professional" blogs are sucking up all the space for google searches. But just this week, this piece of shit bleg with a pagerank of 5, got on the first google search page for "Mongols MC" due to a post about the ATF raids in California and received hundreds of hits. So covering a unique topic besides Obama's electoral status and "Rethuglicans being Meanies" might get you all sorts of traffic from unexpected nether regions of the net.
Also, Wired discusses the troll factor as hurting some of the more sensitive bloggers' precious feelings:
That said, your blog will still draw the Net's lowest form of life:The insult commenter. Pour your heart out in a post, and some anonymous troll named r0rschach or foohack is sure to scribble beneath it, "Lame. Why don't you just suck McCain's ass." That's why Calacanis has retreated to a private mailing list. He can talk to his fans directly, without having to suffer idiotic retorts from anonymous Jason-haters.
Blogs were never as well-written and professional as the mainstream media, and the whole "citizen-journalist" moniker might be a bit overwrought in its self-importance. But bloggin' is still an interesting way to share commentary from average schmoes that is framed in a semi-professional manner with lots of links so that the reader can draw their own opinion. Kind of like "Letters to the Editor", but with embedded videos and pics of politicians making an ass of themselves for better effect. The comments are also a lot more insightful, as strange internet people like myself stake their cyber-reputation on their handle when explaining why strippers are necessary for pulling out of the econmic crisis. So, if you are a blogger or commenter or lurker, don't give up hope just yet! Let's at least hold out until the net neutrality laws round us up for "re-education" in the next administration.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sausage Fest U.S.A.

Yglesias bring us this disturbing graph which shows the density of singles for the 20-34 age range. The blue indicates "more dudes", while red indicates "more chicks". Therefore, it is quite apparent that the singles dating scene is a worse pickle-fest than a Star Trek convention.
But wait...there is some hope as this graph encomapsses a larger age demographic:

This proves that there are a whole lot of cougars east of the Mississippi, which would probably explain the ridiculous popularity of Neil Diamond.
A Blemish on America From Not Long Ago

As much as I like to bitch about all the anti-military crazies these days (cf. C.H.U.D. Busters), it was probably peanuts compared to what the Vietnam veterans had to go through. Zombietime has a detailed look at a Weather Underground manifesto (of which Ayers co-wrote): Prairie Fire. From the "Strategies for Revolution" section:
Page 40 of the manuscript is typical: It outlines the Weather Underground's strategies for overthrowing the United States. Among the many strategies are: eliminating the feeling of patriotism among the general public, destroying the government from within, and starting a mass insurrection among the lower classes.Jawa Report also has details on the plans the Weather Underground had for re-education centers in the Southwest and genocide against those who could not be converted to "revolutionary" standards. America has always had its share of crazies on all sides of the political spectrum. For a look at far-right strangeness, there's The Turner Diaries, which lays out a blueprint for inciting a race war and bringing down the federal goverment. But it's pretty shitty when 3,000 academics are rushing to Bill Ayers defense to defend this sort of hate. The Support Bill Ayers petition is here, and I tried to sign up "Smiley Time Pol Pot" from the "Khmer Rouge University", but I think they are screening the thing, which might put a damper on any cyber-shenanigans.
Iraq News: Someone Take This SOFA To The Dump

Yet a wide-ranging group of Iraqis remain dissatisfied with many aspects of the deal, if for different reasons. Some would prefer that the text include a provision allowing a continuing review of security conditions before withdrawal. Others are concerned about the Article 22 provision, that when the deal goes into force “all detainees in U.S. custody shall be released.”Other thoughts on the SOFA includes your standard Ahmadinejad psycho-babble about the U.S. "pillaging" Iraq, and milblogger Greyhawk believes the very existence of this agreement implies that the war is over. Challenges for the next administration in our country and for Iraq's political leadership will be successful transition of security responsibility while navigating the political minefield of having coalition troops on foreign soil. Can't say I would want that job.
Still others fear that an Article 28 provision does not obligate the U.S. to defend Iraq from external aggression while its troops operate on Iraqi soil. Rahim said these concerns were “not fundamental,” but added, “This is all happening in a climate where there are elections in the U.S. and provincial elections very soon in Iraq. And undoubtedly those two factors complicate the situation.”
Fat Axl to Finally Release Chinese Democracy

Mark your calendars for Nov. 25th and hope that you live near a Best Buy, because that's when Guns N' Roses will finally release probably the most expensive and longest awaited album in history, Chinese Democracy. Unless you don't live in Real America (yeah, that's an asshole comment, but I said it), you'll fondly remember your awkward teenaged-years with the cocaine-themed tune Night Train to the more somber Don't Cry to the hard-hitting Nice Boys Don't Play Rock N' Roll. But can this much anticipated album deliver the fist-pumping, head-banging music that we need in our cultural vacuum of wussness? The Toronto Star is skeptical:
The single itself is a bit underwhelming, building from a portentous intro fraught with babbling voices to a massive, punched guitar riff that recalls a downtuned version of the Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" but then never quite following up with a proper, hard-hitting chorus.Oh man, the lead single sounding like The Scorpions, but they suck! Tracks have leaked over the years, and they have been a bit underwhelming. Perhaps it is because Guns n' Roses is from another era when the hair was big n' teased, the music on the Sunset Strip was loud, and America was feeling good about itself. Trying to teleport music that defined a generation from one era to another is about as cool as the Rolling Stones hobbling around on stage with their walkers. The Guns N' Roses album might be halfway decent, but rocking out to it may have to involve delusional mind in still thinking it's 1991 and the airbrushed wolf on your El Camino is a chick magnet. Also Slash got kicked to the curb, so it just won't be the same...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Top 10 Horror Flicks for Halloween To Scare the Bejeezus Out of Your Kids

No, no not that kind of scary, I'm talking about some no-shit, freaky-ass movies that will creep out the whole family. It's Halloween, and everyone deserves a good scare or two, especially because Americans are wound up so tight with this damn election. It's time to lighten up! So here's my 10 bestest horror recommendations for Halloween (in no particular order), if you don't like 'em then provide some of your own in the comments.