Monday, September 22, 2008

The Negative Feedback Loop of Our Economy (in pictures!)

Step 1: With the economy in the proverbial shits, people start freaking out and blame the usual scapegoats of illegals, free trade, and lack of FDR-era regulation. Lou Dobbs ratings are through the roof.

Step 2: Fat cats with political connections in Washington use the opportunity to take ridiculous risks that earn them billions, despite the fact that their entire financial foundation is built on a house of straw. Regulation and government control prevents the basic tenets of the free market, such as competition, from functioning. And if their leadership proves to be a disaster, their golden parachutes remain intact.

Step 3: With the federal government running record deficits, the cost of oil is out of control, wages stall, and inflation is through the roof. Kids start making kites made out of dollar bills like Germany in 1923.

Step 4: Like a swarm of buzzards preying on human tragedy, politicians propose more regulation and nationalization as a guise to ensure those in power remain power. This is aided by unknowing surrogates in the American public who actually think the suits in Washington give a shit about normal people.

Step (5 or 1): With the economy in the shits, people start freaking out and blame the usual scapegoats of illegals, free trade, and lack of FDR-era regulation. Lou Dobbs ratings are through the roof.

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