Monday, December 13, 2010


So what have we learned since the Winter Meetings?

  1. Wondering where Cliff Lee will go is killing me.
  2. Jon Heyman needs to come up with another line of then "a Mystery team is in the mix for Lee". It's old now Jon, stop it.
  3. The Phillies are among the 3 teams hoping to get Cliff Lee into their rotation. Maybe...maybe not.
  4. Zach Greinke rumors are continuously reported on connecting the Yankees to him, and then later debunked, just to be brought up again. Why? I'm telling you, it's not happening.
So where will Lee go? Could it be that the Phillies have a shot? Let's face it, he's pitched there, he's comfortable and he knows the territory. Reports from Ken Rosenthal say the Phillies are "not out" with Lee and I don't put anything past the Phillies, so hey, this late in the game, maybe reviewing a new contract is a breath of fresh air for Lee and his family. Or could it be... maybe Heyman isn't full of shit when he says there is a "Mystery"team in on Lee. Maybe, just maybe it was the Phillies all along. Whatever the case, it's getting late early and I'm stressed.

I've tried not to write something every time a high level baseball person makes a comment or takes a dump. It's not productive. I think all that does is makes the wait linger longer and annoy people. Look around at these blogs... hell, look at this post you're reading; There's nothing to it, just alot of speculation and you can probably picture me salivating behind my keyboard as I type it thinking about Cliff Lee in pinstripes. What I'm trying to say is, there's nothing coming out of Arkansas right now. NOTHING. The only thing we know for sure is this: Lee's hanging out with family, his attorney is filling him in on the contracts, he knows he's wanted so he's chilling out because he's about to be very very rich. Lee's wife is begging him to stay close to home. Meanwhile, we all sit around writing rumors that are most likely not true. Like:
  • Lee's friend said he's staying in Texas
  • CC says he's coming to NY, or not
  • Josh Hamilton shot a deer while hunting with Lee
  • Cashman won't add money to the contract, but he probably will
  • Lee went to the Mini-mart to pick up milk and told the clerk he's going to the Diamondbacks. All bullshit.
The Bottom line? We wait... all of us, you, me, Cashman, Lee's agent, and that clerk at the Mini-mart. Yes, the suspense is killing me, but at the end of the day, we all knows a decision's coming, and when it does, all of us bloggers and sports reporters will bring you the same version of the same story of how it went down. If Lee comes to the Yanks, you know Bleeding Yankee Blue blog will have some inspirational spirit about the decision and you will sense me smiling from ear to ear. If Lee decides he won't come to New York, you know this blog will be Armogeddon. Either way, you'll get what you want, straight talk from the Mighty Casey.

The waits alittle longer...hang in there.

Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.

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