Friday, November 28, 2008

Creepy Anti-Homosexual 501 Group is Reaping Federal Charity

One of the biggest issues to fallout of the November elections has been the Proposition 8 fiasco in California. There has been some incidents that do not speak well for proponents of gay marriage including the new "blacklist" in Hollywood and thugs beating up an old woman at a protest. But equally egregious are some of these "culture warriors" with seemingly endless amounts of money to run ridiculous advocacy campaigns. Wonkette flagged this one about gay hairdressers spreading their homosexuality to small-town America (it's pretty funny):

What was surprising with the group that published this tripe, the American Family Association, is that it's on the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) list of charities. The CFC is a program where federal employees and military personnel fill out an annual form to have their paycheck garnished to go to charities of their choosing. Supposedly, the groups on the list to receive money get vetted heavily, but a website which devotes an entire section to "exposing the homosexual agenda" seems like a big waste of money.

All this culture war crap could be solved with the simple axiom "Mind Your Own Damn Business". America is a very cosmopolitan place and people who can't accept that need to get over themselves.

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