Saturday, January 5, 2008

Information Round-Up

Sorry, I've been jokin' and smokin' in Seattle the last week so I did not have time to keep up to speed on the blogs, so here's what's been going on in the last week.

Milblogger Andrew Olmsted was KIA in Iraq, his final post is here. His final post asked that his death not be used for political purposes, and I understand this is a politically-themed blog. But there is no political machination going on in my mind since when our military brothers and sisters are killed in hostile action, the only thing I feel is shitty.

That putz Huckabee wins Iowa: Well it looks like Huckabee has won Iowa. I guess we didn't get the memo that 8 years of evangelism in the White House might not be what the country needs right now. That guy's a rube, just like the last 3 southern Governors who were President (see John Bergstrom's dead-on political cartoon here). He was hamming it up with Romney about how he supported the surge strategy, but it turns out he actually didn't back in January 2007 (see Hot Air post here). I'm not real keen on a politician who's going to be a "fair-weather" fan on something like war. This isn't a football game, you jackhole. Of course I think we should keep more options on the table that don't involve us staying in Iraq for 100 years as SEN McCain suggested (VetVoice discussion here). I wonder if they'll let me deploy with my oxygen tank when I'm some crazy old geezer sucking Kool menthols through a trach-hole. Why does the GOP suck this election year? Where's Barry Goldwater?

AQI killed: The enemy continues to be driven from Iraq (see MNF-I press releases here, here, and here).

Some Good news from Iraq: Just because the good news doesn't get much airtime, check out Iraqi Mojo talking about Hakim praising Sunni awakening groups here. Hakim is head of the of the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council (SIIC), the Shiite bloc with tremendous political influence. It's guys like him and other moderates like Foreign Minister Zebari and Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih that are going to save Iraq. This is good news since it decreases the probability that Sunni tribal groups and the Shiite-dominated government will erupt into brutal in-fighting.

Viva SGT Freedom! I happened upon SGT Freedom's website here for the first time. This dude has got a rant for you. Many "Support the Troops" websites I have found nice, but a little dull at times. Not so with his video show. SGT Freedom doesn't beat around the bush, go check him out.

And now for something unpleasant: Blogs of War had the 40 most obnoxious quotes up here for 2007. The #1 quote was pretty offensive (and I've got thick skin!) from Ted Rall. “Only idiots signed up; only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared.” Is this what liberal America thinks of US troops? Well, I just spent some time on the left coast in a city with a statue of Lenin proudly displayed in the middle of town, and I would have to I would say that even if people don't support Bush or the Iraq War, that does not mean that they are throwing dogshit on our military members. Therefore, that makes you an asshole Ted Rall.

Ted Rall sucks

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