Friday, January 25, 2008

Mosul: "A Decisive Battle" says Maliki

If you managed to filter out the important stuff from the crap while watching the news yesterday, you might've heard about Mosul, the third-biggest city in Iraq. While most American outlets were covering the fact that Heath Ledger's masseuse made a phone-call to one of the Full House twins or some such tripe, international media was talking about the Provincial Police Chief of Ninewa province that tragically got assassinated. The previous day, a huge explosion went off in Mosul that killed many citizens and leveled a city block. While the provincial police chief was visiting the carnage the following day, a suicide bomber killed him.
I realize that the Prime Minister of Iraq has said some sheisty things in the past, but Maliki's not taking any shit this time around. He has publicly stated that Iraqi Security Forces are on their way to flush out the Al-Qaeda rats from the city. Bill Roggio gives more clarity on Long War Journal here. Just a tip from myself to the Iraqi Security Forces, if you catch any Al-Qaeda thugs hang 'em, don't fry 'em, they'll stink too bad.

CNN-International had some gruesome footage

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