Sunday, April 13, 2008

Generation Y-We Suck

Burt Prelutsky writes an excellent article for Pajamas Media characterizing the 1960s long-hair, draft-dodgin', leftistas as a mere self-indulgent movement that stood on the good side of the civil rights movement, but was wrong about everything else. I sent the article to Generation X scholar, Wek of Latchkey Man, for his further analysis, since there has always been some underlying generational tension with that demographic of the population. Not without justification either, as Gen Xers will most likely have to foot most of the bill as the boomers retire off to their expensive yoga retreats to become one with the a very heavy cost to the taxpayer. Being born in 1980, I kind of hoped I was part of the angst-ridden generation that had good taste in movies like "Slacker" and viewed the world with a cynical eye. But, alas, I think I was born several years too late, as I am part of, arguably, the worst generation in the history of America!

At Least the Baby Boomers Knew How to Have Good Times

If you were lucky enough to avoid service in Vietnam, it seems to me like the 60s might have been a blast! Lots of sex, drugs, partying, which was followed by the economic boom in the 80s to ensure you had that nest egg set up so that you could golf on the weekends, but still have those Hendrix LPs on standby lest anyone call you a "sellout". At least these people stood for something, Gen Y doesn't stand for shit! The only common trait I have found among people my age is there undeniable love for themselves that cannot be penetrated with any sort of constructive criticism. This is the result of a terrible array of mainstream culture that focuses on the melodrama and importance of incredibly vapid personalities which can be found on MTV reality type shows. MTV used to have classics like "Headbanger's Ball" and "Beavis and Butthead" that highlighted angst and frustration in a chaotic and imperfect world. Now all I hear about are these princess types celebrating their own existence with bullshit like "Sweet 16" (what the fuck has anyone at 16 done with their life to deserve these luxuries?). No doubt, these gals are sought after by gel-haired douchebags decked out in the latest hipster fashion in a major bid for attention. People of my generation are so caught up with going to the gym, staying healthy, and not learning anything along the way, that this phenomenon will certainly propel legions of ignorant pleasure-seekers well into their old age.

Dude...seriously, just stab yourself

What the hell are we doing?!? Gen Y has nothing to show as far as cultural or intellectual achievements because of this self-absorbed paradigm that will certainly beget the downfall of civilization. As far as I am concerned, the greatest calling for our generation to actually achieve something was defeating terrorism after 9/11. I'm not saying that everyone should gear up and join the military, but recruiters can't even get the bare minimum of interested applicants according to this Navy Times article (thanks Wek!). Is this due to the national malaise that the Iraq war has caused, or is it due to this viral infection of self-absorption that has swept my generation like a modern-day bubonic plague. The fact that people aren't even interested in what's going on with foreign policy and events suggests that it's probably due to the apathy, sadly. This NY Times article frankly discusses how even thinking about Iraq has been completely pushed out of the public mind to avoid any "unpleasant" thoughts. Well, that's not very reassuring as we are probably going to be here for years, and Afghanistan even longer.

Some Gave All...

To make such broad sweeping generalizations is unfair, which I understand. And I also think it's silly to think everyone should sign up with Uncle Sam. But can Gen Y people even work a regular 9-5 job? With an attitude that they are the little darlings of planet Earth, I don't see how. Work requires an individual to shut the hell up and do what the bossman or bosswoman tells you to. I have worked a lot of different jobs, and it seems to be a common theme (that's why they call it "work"). It's not supposed to be fun, it's not supposed to be "enhancing", and it's supposed to be totally lousy (that's why you get paid). Instead, I see people moaning and groaning about how their boss is mean and doesn't recognize their full potential. Shut the hell up and get back in your damn cubicle! Is it any wonder that people are borrowing more and more money off their parents to live their high-falutin' lifestyles of partying all weekend, while text-messaging their buddies during work hours? Is it up for debate that Gen Y people want a government that will provide them with all they need to sustain their completely unsustainable lifestyles? I suggest we step out of our solipsist role where our consumer-culture makes us function like sheep and start brainstorming. But what the fuck do I know, I'm just some asshole! If you know something Gen Y has accomplished, please rebuke my vile discontent in the comments thread. Excuse me while I update my Facebook page to let everyone know how awesome and important I am. Blegh!

...and many gave none

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