Thursday, April 10, 2008

Iraq News (10 Apr)

The Good: An senior lieutenant to head of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Al Masri, has been detained in Anbar. Christian Science Monitor has a deatiled story about our shaky alliance with former Sunni insurgents. At least Al-Qaeda in Iraq isn't faring so well.
The Bad: 3 Iraqi policemen have been killed due to a car bomb in Mosul. Errant mortars from militia thugs have killed three children in Sadr City, and US deaths are on the rise due to heavy fighting in that troubled district. Looks like the terrorist photographer that worked for the AP will fall under the Amnesty Law and the US military is still unsure how we are going to respond.
The Ugly: Interesting writeup on Sadr in the Mickey-D's newspaper that's worth checking out as it characterizes his popular support in Iraq despite the fact that the guy is an asshole. Dana Perino, White House press person, says that Al-Qaeda in Iraq constitutes the same threat level as Al-Qaeda in Pakistan/A-stan (hmm...I side more with our Ambassador on that issue). Time swoons over their messiah, Obama, because he zinged Crocker. Hey, Time, guess what? Crocker and Petraeus are public servants! This is the moral equivalent of playing a prank on the mailman...he's just doing his damn job! More on this later. A lot of this misdirected anger has to do with the Bush administration hiding behind Petraeus/Crocker, but the Dems don't have to buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Crazy Lou sez Less Money for the Military, More Money to kick out Illegals and flip out about Chinese imports

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