Thursday, March 6, 2008

Breaking: Blast Hits Times Square Recruiting Station!

Usually I'm not in the business of speculation, but there has been an explosion on a recruiting station in Times Square. CNN has the story here. Will fill you all in with angry commentary at whoever/whatever did this (terrorists, hippies, hermit wackos, pisspoor infrastructure, etc.) when the facts become clear. This is bullshit no matter what the cause was. Argh!

Update: I just watched the Mayor Bloomberg press conference on CNN. He made it abundantly clear that NYC is a big fan of the military. I was last there in 2003, and he's not joking. Me and my buddies with equally bad haircuts couldn't go anywhere and not get bought free drinks. You used to be able to ride the subway for free if you had a military ID, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. This is really a shame for a military-friendly metropolis like NYC. The Mayor and Police Chief mentioned that it was a guy on a bike and a hoodie. That doesn't narrow things down, but hopefully some tips will come in.

David M over at Thunder Run has a pretty good post up about the whole event and that it's most likely concocted by left-wing kooks. Islamic Terrorists like to blow stuff up during the day, so I'm inclined to believe him, but I'm not pointing any fingers just yet. Whoever it is, they will be targeted, because, once again, this is fuckin' bullshit. Of course, many Kossacks are already turning this into some sort of "Woe is I" issue about how they are going to be unfairly blamed by meanie bloggers, and one commenter seems to think it's all a big right-wing conspiracy. I'm not a complete imbecile and I recognize the difference between non-violent speech and debate as opposed to political violence (Iraq is rife with this sort of thing). But here's an idea fellers, instead of putting yourself up on the cross, why don't you condemn this type of extremist bullshit like everyone else. Just a thought.

Update II: I wrote some more on this at VetVoice.

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