Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Does Jessica Simpson "$upport the Troop$"?

I got an email last week about "Operation Myspace", which touted having a huge concert of various famous people on March 10th in Kuwait. I tend to not pay too much attention to these things, because I'm an officer and my morale is not in need of being lifted. The relationship between officers and enlisted men and women is very complex and difficult to put into words, but my opinion on these types of events is not relevant, since it's not intended for me and my fellow junior officer mafia. So I hope that the young folks in Kuwait enjoyed the concert, especially the men and women transiting up to various COPs and FOBs in Iraq. It sounded like a pretty good idea actually. But I'm a little concerned that the MySpace people are just exploiting the idea of "supporting the troops" to generate a little bit of publicity and profit. This is debateable, and my take on the whole thing is that if the troops enjoyed it, then it's all good.

But StarCMC had a warning about one of the acts, Ms. Jessica Simpson, who prior to coming to the purgatory known as Kuwait, had this to say in that email I got:

"It’s truly an honor to perform for the troops," said Jessica Simpson. “Through Operation MySpace, I get to serve my country by doing what I love to do in front of thousands of brave men in uniform. It’s every girl’s dream!”

I'll forgive her for the ignorance in not knowing that there's women in uniform out this way as well, but apparently, the whole thing was just a way to get some easy money and fame for her already bloated ego. Media Take Out has this to say:

I am [Department Of Defense] civilian here in Kuwait working at the camp that held the OPERATION MYSPACE tour which was a charity event. She was the only act that was paid. Jessica insisted that they pay here approximately $150,000 [plus] $10,000 a day for Ken Paves and $6,000 a day for her stylist and make up artist.
When she arrived on the air field she had a pre-order that no one was allowed to come up to her and touch her she was looking very stuck up and snobby. When she came in the dining facility she only served the food for the troops for 5 minutes.
Her concert was last and everyone pretty much left before then. The Pussycat Dolls and the rock group Disturbed were so nice they were literally walking around with the troops without there body guards.

If this is true, it is reprehensible that she try to turn a profit by employing imagery of the military. This is horseshit. Can anyone in Kuwait provide any confirmation of this?

All about the $benjaminz$

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