Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dispelling Stereotypes

An disturbingly large portion of the blogosphere believes that US Soldiers are over in Iraq randomly killing civilians, wearing ear necklaces, torching mosques, and other such nonsense. These stereotypes are employed to give credit to their oft-repeated argument "Bush Lied, People Died". Sure, there's lots of intelligible debate about why getting into Iraq was wrong, but I don't see the troops being likened to the Mongol Horde as part of it. That maybe since I've been in the military for several years and have not seen this criminal mentality first hand. Not saying war isn't hell, but when some douche in the comments sections of Matt Yglesias fine blog starts droning on about the US only being over here to kill civilians, I find this ridiculous. To see the real enemy in Iraq, stop on by Long War Journal where it shows the aftermath of a suicide truck bomb on an Iraqi Army Combat Outpost and the US forces clearly helping their Iraqi comrades (not for the light of heart). For extra shits n' giggles, check out the crazy commenter's MySpace page, which kind of reminds me of a cross between Noam Chomsky, Jeffrey Dahmer, and the Comic Book Store Guy.

The US Soldier: Out of control imperialist aggressor killing brown people willy-nilly

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