Saturday, March 22, 2008

Presidential Primaries: Schnooze Fest '08


I made a drunken New Year's resolution to pay attention to the 2008 Presidential primaries, since I was woefully absent in paying attention to the 2004 Presidential races. But much like waking up next to a 300 lb. woman named Starla in a hotel room without easy escape, I'm regretting my inebriated judgment. This Presidential primary has been pockmarked with one stupid scandal after the next, which has contributed very little to public debate about what the candidates' policies will entail. Examples include Kos accusing Hillary's people of photoshopping Obama to look more black, Obama's nutty preacher and his "typical white person" comment, McCain and his boneheaded gaffes, passportgate, and this is only for the month of March! Once insightful and well-written blogs, like Obsidian Wings, have completely jumped the shark by getting swept up in Obamamania. Every big name blogger is hunkering down in their respective camps, and they are not willing to confront objective facts. The MSM is running the same crap non-stop to make up for general schlockiness and lack of research on all of their other reporting. Now, I admit to taking jabs at the Hillary-Sinbad meme, but that's just because of my deep-seated skepticism for the lady dating back to 90s. However, as much as I want to jump off this crazy train, I've got to stick by my commitment. Much like the military, you don't have to like it, but you gotta do it. Go Democracy.

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