Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Yes, so the Yankees may not have made any huge moves this Trade Deadline, but I will tell you one important thing and you need to respect it... Brian Cashman believes in his New York Yankees and because of that, I believe too.

Look, there were guys out there to be traded for, but what was REALLY out there that was better than what we had? Nothing in my opinion. Erik Bedard? Good luck with that. Ubaldo Jimenez? Let's see how he adapts to the American League with his new team, the Indians. All I'm saying is, if we took a chance and it blew up in our faces, you'd be crucifying Cashman. It's a tough game, but Cash believes in the Yankees and he's not going to just go grab guys because it "might" work, he just wants to be sure.
Now, King Felix factor still fascinates me. The Yankees love this kid, I love him, but the Mariners and the Yankees just don't get along since Cliff Lee and it's clear to me, unless the Yankees offered the farm to get Felix, he was staying put. So, what will they do? I say they save their dough and wait. They will wait it out until either the Mariners change their minds, or until King Felix becomes a free agent and then they do everything in their power to get Felix to the Bronx.
Heath Bell was out there and he's a top closer for the Padres, but was he REALLY available? We saw that Mike Adams was untouchable, according the Padres, yet, he was traded to the Rangers at the deadline. Remember when I told you no player is untouchable? I'm right. The Padres saw something they liked better than Adams and suddenly Adams is on a plane to Arlington. It's that simple.

Cashman is a tough guy and while he's saying he's not about to make a move, I believe he will, but only if it's better than what we got. The deadline may have passed, but moves can still be made and if anyone can make them, it's Cash. You can still make trades if a player is on waivers and believe me, if there is someone that works, they'll be snatched up by Cashman.But I'm getting ahead of myself. After the deadline on July 31st, it was revealed that Jesus Montero and Manny Banuelos will be promoted. So, with no big names coming to the Bronx, Cashman demonstrates his patience and calls up the kids. OK, I like this idea. Read about it HERE and HERE. Manny Banuelos is going to Scranton Wilkes Barre and I guarantee you we will see this kid in the Bronx. Not only will he be the lefty specialist in the pen that I predicted, but if shit hit the fan and we needed him for a spot start, I bet you'd see him too. I believe this kid has the stuff.

Then there's Jesus Montero, who's batting .283. Look, Russell Martin, isn't doing too good these days and it makes sense. Reports are Montero will be up in the major leagues this year, after all the talk that he wouldn't be. That's right, Jesus is coming, the question is, when?

So while these moves are smart, my only concern is this; Will these 2 kids lead the charge to win the Playoffs and World Series for the Yankees? No. But it's exciting and if Cashman sticks to his guns, it's clear that he has a reason, a plan, a method to his madness... Let's hope at least.

Then I got to thinking. If it was Game 1 of the Playoffs right now, this is who I would have pitch:1. CC Sabathia
2. Bartolo Colon
3. AJ Burnett

Now, is it what I thought we would have when I looked at our Yankees rotation in April? No, but believe me, it works. The only real issue is, can guys like Colon and Freddy Garcia stay healthy and not fade. That's the big question. Then you need to go further; Say we make it through both rounds and enter the World Series; This is who I would choose:

1. CC Sabathia
2. Bartolo Colon
3. AJ Burnett
4. Freddy Garcia

Now it's starting to be alittle more concerning, but, the good news is we have guys that we may need as long men or spot starters if things fall apart; Ivan Nova, Phil Hughes, Manny Banuelos. If one of the old timers shits the bed, that's our fall back. Again, is it ideal? No, but it works. Now, look at the Phillies:Link1. Roy Halladay
2. Cliff Lee
3. Cole Hamels
4. Kyle Kendrick

They have an ace in Halladay, but Lee is beatable and so is Hamels. And look at the Giants:
1. Tim Lincecum
2. Matt Cain
3. Madison Bumgarner or Ryan Vogelsong
4. Barry Zito

Lincecum is the ace for sure, and Cain, when on, has great stuff too. But Bumgarner, Vogelsong and Zito are beatable.

Look, this is the hand we're dealt, and while Cashman has dealt it, Cashman is smart not to be hasty. Plus, we can still get guys off waivers until August 31st if it works. So, understand this; What we have now is very possibly what we'll have come the playoffs. One thing you have to realize is there were and may not be any "key" guys out there that could make a difference or that we can get. Would you really take Erik Bedard over Bartolo Colon right now? No way, not me.

Cashman has a plan, he's sticking to his plan and you need to respect his plan. And guess what, if he's wrong, he'll expect to be crucified by the fans, but one thing is for sure, believing in a team because of their talent means something. Cash isn't filling holes for the sake of filling them, that's smart in my mind, but let's hope it works.

Please comment and let me know what you think and follow me on Twitter @BleednYankeeBlu and join the group Bleeding Yankee Blue on Facebook, just type it in.

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